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  1. This is really great! I love to teach rocket science to fellow KSP players and also people who never played KSP before. This Rocketry 101 gave me so many tools, analogies and explanations to do that, I love it! You teasered the Rocketry 102 at the end, any chance we will see that some time soon?
  2. Imagine you start heading 0 degrees with 0 pitch and then slowly pitch up until you have a pitch of 89 degrees. Then you keep rotating in this direction further than 90 degrees pitch. At this point your heading flips by 180 degrees and your pitch starts to decrease again, until you reach a pitch of 0 degrees at a heading of 180.
  3. You can now fly your rockets, planes and Kerbals with a custom-built controller once more! Hit your maneuvers on point with an easy-to-use throttle lever, set the SAS direction with a clearly labeled button instead of fiddling with the mouse to click a tiny button on screen, and enjoy diving under bridges in your plane with precise analog controls. Kerbal Simpit This mod enables KSP 2 to connect to an Arduino (using the companion Arduino lib) to exchange data between KSP and Arduino over a serial connection. This allows for the creation of custom controllers. This is the KSP2 version of the Simpit mod, based on Simpit Revamped for KSP1. You can find more infos about Simpit's functionality and some example controllers there: The KSP2 mod is compatible with existing KSP1 Simpit controllers! If you already have a controller, it mostly "just works" in KSP2. For some features minor adjustments might be necessary, e.g. flipping the translational axes (the new Arduino-library version can detect whether the controller is connected to KSP1 or KSP2). Most features work out of the box. Download: The mod is available on CKAN . This is the easiest and safest option. If you insist on installing it (and its dependencies!) manually, go to the Simpit GitHub: https://github.com/Simpit-team/KerbalSimpit-KSP2 This project is licensed under the Simplified BSD License. Dependencies: Space Warp + BepInEx UITK for KSP2 For your custom controller you can use the Simpit Arduino library: https://github.com/Simpit-team/KerbalSimpitRevamped-Arduino Online documentation Have fun with your controller in KSP2, and keep adding "moar buttons"!
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