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  • Location
    Stranded out near Jool with my trusty robot friend
  • Interests
    Modding, space, engineering

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  1. Unfortunately, the original mod isn’t in a specific size, so it’s a pretty single use case thing. I could try to get tweak scale figured out on it and then you could resize it as you want. Thanks for the alert! I’ll get it fixed when I can
  2. ‘Course! I’ll do it when I get in the game
  3. Alright I've made much better textures, and I've ironed out a bunch of wrinkles, though there's still some issues
  4. Any way that I position my backwards RCSthruster objects in unity, the thrust always goes forward. anybody know why?
  5. This is very WIP right now as this is my first mod Adds the Rocket Lab Neutron concept crew capsule to the game (For Vordzi's Neutron mod) Download Here
  6. This is super terrible right now, if you're good at texturing, and can help me fix some unity problems, PLEASE dm me Adds the Rocket Lab Neutron concept crew capsule to the game (For Vordzi's Neutron mod) Download Here
  7. got it working, was just a model directory problem
  8. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/9vz5sdw9icou6madtgs29/AB4DXKh3zRidX0nWF0iThUk?rlkey=g1lwsjl3aopal74zgstruuatk&st=wevncsmu&dl=0 there ya go
  9. I’m creating a mod to add the neutron crew capsule concept (for vordzis neutron mod). I do all the usual steps in unity, and then I coped the mk1-3 pod config and tweaked it to fit my gameobjects/rcs, but when I go in game, it’s not there, any idea why this might be? I can give you the config file or log if need be
  10. So I made my command pod, put it through unity, did the regular steps, and then just copied the cfg from the mk1-3 (after tweaking it to fit my model and gameobjects) and it doesn’t appear in game. I can show the config or log file if need be. I’m trying to have Eva on my pod so I configured that to work with it. Any idea what the problem might be?
  11. Hey! I thought this mod was pretty cool, and I was thinking about making the Neutron crew capsule concept for it as a mod
  12. Every guide I can find online to make parts mods only makes fuel tanks or basic engines as their example. Any guides on how to make command modules/pods? Surely they don’t expect you to just figure it out
  13. Alright, so the licensing on this model is iffy at best. Anybody willing to make a basic model recreation of it? Guy hasn’t been active in a few years so I can’t really reach out to him about it (and trust me, I’ve tried)
  14. Lol totally forgot to specify, my bad. I would like to make a parts mod but instead of just being general parts, I’d like to make a specific vehicle mod, like the starship expansion project, or tundra exploration.
  15. Anybody down to help me make my first mod? The online tutorials kind of help, but I’d feel better working with someone to try and figure it out. If you're interested, please dm me, thank you!
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