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Everything posted by Tooch__

  1. The whole basis for the maneuver node system is incredible annoying. Why do I need to somehow pan my camera over to the part of the main trajectory in order to place a node rather than just doing it when im focused on the target? Why does the maneuver node even need to be on my screen when im adjusting it- I dont care whats happening at the node, I care whats happening to the trajectory im trying to influence, give me a menu in the bottom left to tweak. Also why physically stop me from planning the entire maneuver just because the game thinks I dont have enough fuel?- Even when the game is actually correct about how much deltaV I have (which it often isnt), it can be helpful when designing stuff to see how much more deltaV I would need. Maneuvers were clunky and annoying in KSP1, and rather than improving them they made them worse.
  2. Seriously. They took a system that was already kind of clunky to use in KSP1 and rather than improving it, they managed to make it worse.
  3. Seriously??? I gave KSP2 another try recently and 30 hours in that is easily number 1 or 2 on the list of things that have been annoying me the most. Whole maneuver system needs a full overhaul in my personal opinion. Maneuvers were really clunky and obnoxious to use without mods in KSP1. I was really hoping that KSP2 would be improving the system but somehow its even worse
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