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  1. I am making a planet pack as my first kopernicus mod. It is inspired by the old theorized planet Vulcan,However the it seems that it uses the map of its template(Moho) in map view and it is perfectly flat when landed on. I am sure that I am doing something stupid that is very simple but I do not know exactly what I am missing. The code for the ScaledVersion and PQS is ScaledVersion { fadeStart = 60000 fadeEnd = 90000 type = Vacuum Material { specColor = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 shininess = 0 } OnDemand { texture = planetpacktestthing/PluginData/usvaalcolormap.dds normals = planetpacktestthing/PluginData/usvaalnormalmap.dds//Normal map } } PQS { fadeStart = 90000 fadeEnd = 130000 deactivateAltitude = 130000 //Maybe I will need to make a material{} subnode Mods { VertexHeightMap { map = planetpacktestthing/PluginData/usvaalheightmap.dds offset = 0 deformity = 4000 scaleDeformityByRadius = false order = 20 enabled = true } VertexColorMap { map = planetpacktestthing/PluginData/usvaalcolormap.dds order = 20 enabled = true } } }
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