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Everything posted by Kronosky

  1. I don't know why you can't see the photos, but if you already downloaded it I hope you enjoy it.
  2. Second published work, I hope you like it. VIPER MK II ASET compatible cabin. Can take off vertically and horizontally Download : SpaceDock Viper MK II
  3. This is my first published work. Totally hollow Soyuz!! Download : SpaceDock! Our friends the Kerbals did not think of anything else, once half of the ship had been designed, than to use "cut and paste" to create the other half. This way they saved a lot of time to be able to think about many other things. The ship is hollow inside, like its heads. It is composed of an orbital module, descent, instruments, solar panels, docking ports and antenna. Cabin compatible with ASET instruments. It still has things to polish but I wanted to share it with you. Kronosky
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