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Everything posted by Quick_Nils

  1. The issue seems to be fixed FINALLY I deinstalled every mod, redownloaded RSMP and its dependencies and installed only those. My best guess is that the cause was the version of module manager. I had the problem with version 4.2.3 (wich i believe is the newest). Waterfall comes bundled with version 4.1.4. No clue why the newest module manager version seems to bug out RSMP. Now i hope the game doesnt break after i reinstall all the other mods
  2. I deinstalled everything thats not needed and its still happening
  3. Thats weird. Heres my modlist. Any idea what could cause this problem? yes, i like to mod any of my games till my pc yells at me
  4. yes. I can try it without shabby. It worked with TUFX before. Will shaddy still work without shabby? (better looking habtech solar panels and parachutes)
  5. Why are my SRB plumes transparent? I used this mod before and it worked fine then. Yes Stock SRBs have the same issue. Im using restock (thus waterfall restock) but since both stock and supported mods (in this case BDB) have the issue i dont think thats it. I checked every dependency. What could cause this?
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