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  1. Thanks. When I create files with the KSP sandboxed File API, do those files get cleaned up automatically when the vessel is destroyed? If not, how can I tell when the vessel (or editor part) is gone for good so I can delete the files to avoid filling disk space indefinitely? Alternatively, is there some other way to store particularly large chunks of vessel-related data? My mod requires storing a byte array which could be a few kilobytes or possibly low megabytes per part.
  2. Is there a way to dynamically change the name of a KSPEvent the way that (for example) the "Lights on"/"Lights off" toggle switches name in the part menu depending on which state the lights are in? Also, is there a way to dynamically show/hide different events depending on the state of the part/vessel, beyond just the guiActiveEditor vs guiActive? I'm building a computer module and need events for actions like "Boot" and "Shutdown". Obviously those can just be the same event, but I'd like the GUI label for it to change depending on the state of the part, rather than leaving it for the player to guess what the button will do. I'd like to know about adding/removing or dynamically showing/hiding events because I may potentially want to add additional events where there isn't always something for the button to do in every state. If not, I can always just change the label to 'not available' or something, assuming there's a way to change the label like that.
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