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  1. After downloading CelestialRescale from CKAN it just doesn't work. The rescale is still 3.4 (both rescales in the rescale .cfg file). When I open the game just nothing happens. And how to send the KSP.log here? It seems that I can't put a file here.
  2. I have tried, but when the loading is complete the game crashes.
  3. Nevermind, I still need help. How to use this mod? I put both folders (Celestial-Rescale-master and CelestialRescale) in GameData and edited the CelestialRescaleLocalSettings.cfg file. These are the changes: scaleFactor = 3.4 scaleFactor2 = 3.4 And it still doesn't work.
  4. Where is the CelestialRescaleLocalSettings.cfg file located? Or I just didn't understand how to use this mod? (Nevermind, I think I got it)
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