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Werhner Von Kerman 795

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  1. I am attempting to put three kerbals on Duna for the first time. Any suggestions?
  2. Thanks for liking, dude! I’m also planning on visiting Mimnus soon as well. Any tips that you might know?
  3. So, you read the title, it was all because of my kerbals, though! The first mission was a success, but while my kerbal was on EVA, her jetpack decided to have too much thrust at the right time, and have too little thrust at the wrong time (she decided to crash into the ground at 89.1 m/s.) My second mission was with Bartfurt and it was fine until his lander fell over. Then I decided to goose it to see if it would go back upright, but, predictably, the side of the lander shredded. I’m gonna try again soon, though. Thanks!
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