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Everything posted by Soon

  1. I've tried turning RCS and SAS on and off and shutting down engines. But still nothing makes any difference. Sure, it is the same way. The only difference in my opinion is that on Moon, I have to land it first but on Earth, the rover can just start on the runway.
  2. Not crewed. Have enough electricity and probe control. (MechJeb can drive it). I can still use the rcs and engine. But it doesn't respond to rover control. The only thing I can do to the wheel is braking. Can it be because KSP doesn't recognize it as a rover?
  3. Hi, I have a question about my rover (with RSS and RP1 mod). In simulation, I can control the rover on Earth without any issues. When I land it on the Moon, MechJeb autopilot works fine but the rover doesn't respond to my keyboard inputs. I've already tried changing the rover's control key bindings from WASD to the arrow keys, but this hasn't resolved the issue. Could you help me figure out what might be going wrong?
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