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  1. @elhsgiuloigtn Hey! This is what goes in your GameData. Please redownload everything and try again! Also, this requires the latest version of Blackrack's volumetrics, so be sure to grab that as well if you haven't already.
  2. @shifty803 what do u think? i increased the height as u suggested and tweaked some other things, i kinda dig it! obviously i get ideas when im tryna take a break from smtn lol
  3. ill give it a try in a sec does the sunflare only shine through the planet on the map screen?
  4. its a seam in the textures but idk why it appears here the current config is basically just stockvolumetric clouds tweaked a bit so idk it doesnt appear in stock ill talk to blackrack about the sunflare issue i noticed it as well
  5. @Ariel Kerman It does lower the visuals quite a bit, but do note that the 4070Ti person was playing at 4k.
  6. @Xt007 Thanks for your report. Fixed in v1.4, will be out tomorrow!
  7. @WolfieKSP Hey! I will make an x10 version, but not yet. I want to polish it more on the normal scale, then convert it to x10. Your performance is worse on x10, as there are way more clouds in your FOV than on the stock scale. Could you check your performance with the low performance config from the extras folder on the new version (1.3.1)? Also, I haven't been testing anything with deferred lighting, as I prefer using Parallax, so that might be the problem! @evileye.x
  8. @shifty803 Thank you for telling me! Lindor support is currently on pause, as I just can't get it to look good. I'll try to find someone who knows more about the whole thing than I do to help out.
  9. @shifty803 Hey! The new atmosphere is not exactly 1:1 with the stock version, but it's similar. I found more duplicate cloud issues; however, I managed to fix them in version 1.3, which should be out in about 30 minutes! I also changed the stock upscaling in v1.3, as I too feel like x4 is a bit unnecessary.
  10. @bacontornado Glad that helped! If you find more issues, don't hesitate to comment! @evileye.x Could you send an image? Kerbin looks fine for me
  11. @WolfieKSP Hey! Thanks for your feedback. JNSQ 10x is not supported yet.
  12. @bacontornado Could you please redownload JNSQVolumetrics from SpaceDock? I changed the download to fix a :FOR in a patch that didn't even apply, my mistake. I copied the cfg over from AtmosphericBeats' KSRSS volumetrics mod to use as a template, and i changed everything but the mod it applies to... lol anyways could you go into JNSQVolumetrics/EVE/raymarchedClouds.cfg and change "%temporalUpscaling = x4" to "%temporalUpscaling = x8" to see if that helps?
  13. Hey @bacontornado! Multiple cloud layers are normal, when i said overlapping clouds i meant multiple configs applying to the same body. I accidentally deleted the part of the config that disables the clouds from StockVolumetricClouds, therefore Kerbin (and other bodies) had 2 different cloud configs at once, ruining performance.
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