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  1. Hello everyone, thank you very much for your hard work. I've never been able to go back to stock KSP after playing with RO. I've run into a bit of a pickle and I am hoping someone can help me out. I've noticed that whenever I place several engines on a single tank with symmetry they induce a torque on the vessel. I've tried it even with a very simple craft (probe core, tank, rcs thrusters and engines). If I have the same craft with just one engine on the center node (same engine) it flies straight and true. I also use RCS build aid and it says 0.0 torque for engines when using several with symmetry. Is this intended behavior (for example variations in thrust due to manufacturing imperfections)? Or is something wrong with my install? I just tried this with a fresh install in 1.12.5 where I installed RO and its dependencies with ckan. I also saw this behavior in 1.12.3 on an RP-1 install. I can get a mod list, craft file and log if needed. Any help is appreciated.
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