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  1. Is there a way (like a cheat) to force complete a scan? For example to quickly try things in sandbox without having to build and HyperEdit a scanning satellite in orbit, or to force complete the low resolution altimetry scan for a body when the high resolution version is done so I stop getting contracts about it. Also is there a way to disable the science gains from scans?
  2. Latest update seems to have broken stock parachutes with ReStock, here is and here is (Not sure why the part has been renamed, by the way. Could be from something else and I just never noticed?)
  3. Hello, it seems like this mod adds a bunch of duplicate/extra science experiments. The basic sub-satellite is adding duplicates of the temperature and pressure scans while the advanced sub-satellite is adding a unique magnetometer experiment, plus a camera experiment that as far as I can tell isn't used anywhere else. There's also the 2 experiments added by the mapping camera wedge which are also, again as far as I can tell, not used anywhere else, but at least these are somewhat unique and not duplicates. You can find all 6 inside the ScienceDefs.cfg file. I'm getting contracts that require these which is a bit annoying, plus I don't like seeing them in [x] Science. I messed with the part files a little and results were promising, but my MM skills are rusty so I didn't finish the job, I just ended up renaming the parts to get rid of them entirely. If anyone wants to properly fix it, I hope this was useful.
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