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  1. Recent facepalm: having trouble getting a particular rocket into orbit (automated launch, edge of performance rocket have to trim the launch profile to the rocket), having finally figured it out, launched, got it to minmus, did my satellite releases, got my descent stage configured and just about to start the descent.. where's my kerbal?.. Nooooooooooooo!.. Also Duna mission, fully tested in Sandbox, hopping ISRU science trip.. launched for real, sent on way to Duna, do other Kerbin system missions while it makes it's way to Duna.. go back for mid course correction .... Noooooooooooooooo!... my Engineer has no experience, can't repack the chutes, and there's no lab to train him up!.. cue additional mission to send an Duna orbital lab.. with excess delta V so it can catch up!.. Doh!
  2. solved The problem was a defective nut. The one between the keyboard and the chair. thanks to postimages I can now show the pretty pictures... pre turning post turning: Then I realised my problem: there's a "rotation locked" button staring me in the face... doh!.. unlock and all is good. anyway.. I've now managed to land this on minmus (ran out of fuel with about 5meters to go).. refuel and prove I can take off into orbit (see below).. but I forgot to put an antenna on, so need to go back & do that.. this was in a sandbox "simulation", which will allow me to use my autotakeoff & hoverslam scripts (I ought to just load the programs at launch, but they get updated occasionally)... at least I've proved the concept. thanks for the help.. I've learnt new things!
  3. not breaking under acceleration.. in orbit.. docked, zero-g.. try and rotate the part with all engines and thrusters disabled and it won't move.. then the ports snap off where they're attached.. so I end up with my carft, the tank floating on its own, and a pair of docking ports floating away. KSP1 with EVE, Scatterer, parallax, planetshine. I'll have a look at autostrutting, thanks Was about to add images.. but I see I need to find a web hosting service.. that'll take time.
  4. I'm building a fuel depot to land on minmus, so I've included a couple of the biggest fuel tanks, empty with docking ports and wanted to attach them to the body of the lander, so it makes it wider and more stable... just very big. To get it out of the atmosphere it's all stacked inline and then I'm docking it in LKO. I've built things with docking ports before and been able to rotate them after docking, but for some reason the docking ports are refusing to turn and just breaking off. The S3-7200 fuel tanks are empty at this point, so the mass isn't stupid, about 5 tons for the smaller section being docked. Any ideas as to why this is happening?
  5. I'm new to KSP, trying to do as much as possible without just doing heinous fast forwards.. landed a high paying Sentinel contract, launched it.. but partly because I'm an absolute meanie with my builds I'm getting to launch a ton of other things with the cash.. all without fast forwarding the clock.. so that's the IR Sentinel, on track for a solar orbit, but still in Kerbins SOI, 2 science labs, one in orbit about kerbin but will go to minmus, one in orbit about the mun, and as it's only day 225 year 1, so it's Duna time, but without a contract for it, I've been testing out my planned duna ISRU hopper which I did get working in the sandbox today, for less than 90,000.. but no mod cons.. not even a capsule to get to dunas surface. I'll launch that for real next, then possibly think about launching an Eve mission.. I'm setting a lot of alarm clocks to keep track of it all.
  6. Hi. I have visual only mods: parallax, EVE, planetshine, scatterer and the dependants that CKAN believes I need. However the trouble I've had also struck me pre-mods, so I'm not currently blaming the mods.. also I have no known "ship mods". I build most of my ships using Service Bays (if I'm feeling generous) and external command seats.. otherwise, just the seats. Occasionally when I EVA a Kerbal from an external command seat within a Service Bay, even if I make the effort to ensure there's no clipping on exit (as that can fling my Kerbal out into space), I can get a weird bug where the EVA pack malfunctions.. I note the SAS system is set to on and can't be turned off. when I engage the RCS the pack is active without my input and the thrust gradually increases guzzling propellant, after a 3 or 4 seconds it hits max and pushes my kerbal off in some uncommanded direction. Only once did I manage to recover the situation by hammering multiple keys, I can't tell you which magic combination got sanity back. It feels like the SAS is trying to take control when it has no business doing anything.. but I'm probably wrong. I would love to know what the underlying cause is, my thoughts are some part clipping abberation.. knowing what to look for would really help.
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