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  1. Hello, Im using Windows 11 AMD Ryzen 7 5700G nVidia GeForce RTX 3060 64GB RAM If I'm trying to load an existing save or start a new one the loading screen first shows a picture, some time after changes to an animation and stays forever in the animation. this happens if i use Version or If i use Version and older the game works. This is the Output of the Log-File [LOG 21:26:58.667] [System] Injecting loading actions for KSP mods completed in 0.0003s. [LOG 21:26:58.698] [System] Running lua scripts for Space Warp completed in 0.0008s. [LOG 21:26:58.715] [System] Running lua scripts for Configuration Manager completed in 0.0002s. [LOG 21:26:58.731] [System] Running lua scripts for UITK for KSP 2 completed in 0.0004s. [ERR 21:26:58.749] [System] [LOG 21:26:58.765] [System] Injecting loading actions for KSP mods completed in 0.0003s. [LOG 21:26:58.785] [General] [State] Swapping game state! prev: [WarmUpLoading] --> new: [MainMenu] [LOG 21:26:58.795] [Debug] [LoadingPrefsTidyUp]: 0 values tidied in 0.0025127s [WRN 21:26:58.798] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '<null>') is missing! [WRN 21:26:58.806] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PDLogInMenu') is missing! [WRN 21:26:58.806] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PDLogInMenu') is missing! [WRN 21:26:58.869] key set on UIValueBinder "Setting" but could not locate bind root [WRN 21:26:58.882] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 21:26:58.895] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 21:26:58.908] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 21:26:58.921] key set on UIValueBinder "Setting" but could not locate bind root [WRN 21:26:58.934] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 21:26:58.948] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 21:26:58.962] key set on UIValueBinder "BTN-Dropdown" but could not locate bind root [WRN 21:26:58.980] key set on UIValueBinder "Setting" but could not locate bind root [WRN 21:26:58.994] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 21:26:59.008] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 21:26:59.021] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 21:26:59.037] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 21:26:59.059] key set on UIValueBinder "Text (TMP)" but could not locate bind root [WRN 21:26:59.073] key set on UIValueBinder "KSP2SliderLinear" but could not locate bind root [WRN 21:27:18.880] Releasing render texture that is set to be RenderTexture.active! [WRN 21:27:21.060] <color=#0099bc><b>DOTWEEN ► </b></color>Max Tweens reached: capacity has automatically been increased from 500/50 to 1250/50. Use DOTween.SetTweensCapacity to set it manually at startup [LOG 21:27:26.599] Toggle: AgencyFlagToggle(Clone) changed to: False - CurActive: AgencyFlagToggle(Clone) [LOG 21:27:26.614] Toggle: AgencyFlagToggle(Clone) changed to: True - CurActive: AgencyFlagToggle(Clone) [EXC 21:27:31.205] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object KSP.IO.IOProvider.CloneSerializerSettings (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings original) (at <dd6137ea2e634c0ba20d8eb5ac23d499>:0) KSP.Game.Load.DeserializeNewGameMode.DoAction (System.Action resolve, System.Action`1[T] reject) (at <dd6137ea2e634c0ba20d8eb5ac23d499>:0) KSP.Game.Flow.FlowAction.Do (System.Action`1[T] resolve, System.Action`2[T1,T2] reject) (at <dd6137ea2e634c0ba20d8eb5ac23d499>:0) KSP.Game.Flow.SequentialFlow.NextFlowAction () (at <dd6137ea2e634c0ba20d8eb5ac23d499>:0) KSP.Game.Flow.SequentialFlow.StartFlow () (at <dd6137ea2e634c0ba20d8eb5ac23d499>:0) (wrapper dynamic-method) KSP.Game.SaveLoadManager.DMD<KSP.Game.SaveLoadManager::PrivateLoadCommon>(KSP.Game.SaveLoadManager,KSP.Game.LoadOrSaveCampaignTicket,KSP.Game.Load.LoadGameData,KSP.Game.Flow.SequentialFlow,KSP.Game.OnLoadOrSaveCampaignFinishedCallback) KSP.Game.SaveLoadManager+<>c__DisplayClass87_0.<PrivateLoadCommonAfterFade>b__0 () (at <dd6137ea2e634c0ba20d8eb5ac23d499>:0) KSP.Game.UIManager+<>c__DisplayClass146_0.<SetLoadingBarAndCurtainVisibility>b__0 () (at <dd6137ea2e634c0ba20d8eb5ac23d499>:0) Curtain.StartCurtain (System.Action onFinished) (at <dd6137ea2e634c0ba20d8eb5ac23d499>:0) Curtain.SetShowing (System.Boolean isEnabled, System.Action onTransitionFinished) (at <dd6137ea2e634c0ba20d8eb5ac23d499>:0) KSP.Game.UIManager.SetLoadingBarAndCurtainVisibility (System.Boolean isScreenVisible, System.Boolean isBarVisible, System.Action onTransitionFinished) (at <dd6137ea2e634c0ba20d8eb5ac23d499>:0) KSP.Game.UIManager.SetLoadingBarVisibility (System.Boolean isVisible, System.Action onTransitionFinished) (at <dd6137ea2e634c0ba20d8eb5ac23d499>:0) KSP.Game.SaveLoadManager.PrivateLoadCommonAfterFade (KSP.Game.LoadOrSaveCampaignTicket loadOrSaveCampaignTicket, KSP.Game.Load.LoadGameData loadGameData, KSP.Game.Flow.SequentialFlow loadingFlow, KSP.Game.OnLoadOrSaveCampaignFinishedCallback onLoadOrSaveCampaignFinishedCallback) (at <dd6137ea2e634c0ba20d8eb5ac23d499>:0) KSP.Game.SaveLoadManager.PrivateLoadGameFromAsset (KSP.Game.LoadOrSaveCampaignTicket loadOrSaveCampaignTicket) (at <dd6137ea2e634c0ba20d8eb5ac23d499>:0) KSP.Game.SaveLoadManager.StartLoadOrSaveOperation (KSP.Game.LoadOrSaveCampaignTicket loadOrSaveCampaignTicket) (at <dd6137ea2e634c0ba20d8eb5ac23d499>:0) KSP.Game.LoadOrSaveCampaignTicket.StartLoadOrSaveOperation () (at <dd6137ea2e634c0ba20d8eb5ac23d499>:0) KSP.Game.CreateCampaignMenu.CreateNewCampaign () (at <dd6137ea2e634c0ba20d8eb5ac23d499>:0) KSP.Game.CreateCampaignMenu.CheckCampaignName (System.Boolean isCampaignNameAlreadyInUse) (at <dd6137ea2e634c0ba20d8eb5ac23d499>:0) KSP.Game.CreateCampaignMenu.StartCampaignCreationFlow () (at <dd6137ea2e634c0ba20d8eb5ac23d499>:0) System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at <eef08f56e2e042f1b3027eca477293d9>:0) Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at <eef08f56e2e042f1b3027eca477293d9>:0) System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) (at <eef08f56e2e042f1b3027eca477293d9>:0) System.Delegate.DynamicI
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