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Posts posted by Julzjuice

  1. Hello Everyone,

    First of all, thanks a lot of this amazing mod! I just reinstalled KSP1 after 2-3 years of not playing and installed this mod and mostly visual mods but I am encountering some weird issues and was wondering if its a me and incompatibility issue with other mods or if this was a known bug or just... working as intended?

    I just started a career and the "Flea" engine (the first solid booster you start with) continues to burn or display a burning effect and make sound  even though it should have completely depleted its fuel. If I don't decouple it, it will keep providing thrust even though its empty.

    Is that a known bug or I should sort out my mod list? Im quite puzzled because I only installed some QoL mods and graphic mods.

    Anyways, thanks in advance for your help!

    Edit: Also, the sound of the engine never stops. Even after its crashed on the ground.

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