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Posts posted by Av8tor8a

  1. I do have some more ideas for anyone wanting to create such a mod.

    I was thinking of trimaran, catamaran, flare, and tumblehome vessel parts. Preferably, these parts should be scalable as there really isn't a requirement for size in contrast to the LHA and LCU parts previously mentioned. I'm not talking about Tweakscale support, (though that is a valid alternative) but an actual scaling system for these parts imbedded into the code that does not need Tweakscale as a dependency. I wouldn't be mad if there wasn't such a thing in such a mod, but it would be nice.

    Lastly, I had my mind on dinghy parts, and similarly to the LHA and LCU parts, these would need to be limited in size. I was thinking, if dinghy parts were ever in a mod like this, that the hull would have enough room for at least five Kerbals and a protective windshield. Unlike any of the previously mentioned parts, however, there wouldn't need to be a dedicated, enclosed part to act as a bridge or island.

  2. 3 hours ago, DocNappers said:

    BDA+ isn't a parts mod. It only has a few parts designed to show off what functionality is supported. So, variations on the open cockpit would be more appropriate in other mods such as "Moderately Plane Related" or "BDArmory Extended" (though the latter is more focussed on weapons).


    I believe that would be the case if you're talking about it as a separate part. I was thinking of a legitimate variant similar to what is available to the AWACS radar. I imagine someone would need to get approval to incorporate a variant of a part not present in their mod, but I could be mistaken.

    4 hours ago, DocNappers said:

    The "weapon alignment indicator" (which I presume is what you're referring to) is toggled with F2 in the SPH. The other toggle BDA+ provides in the SPH is a CASE ammo explosion visualiser, which is toggled with F3.

    Thank you. But why wouldn't it appear on the Oerlikon?

  3. 10 minutes ago, Beale said:

    That could be fun - I think if I had in mind to expand further, maybe a cessna style thing? Currently I am focusing on Tantares, but there may be more in future! I would be really happy to help others implement waterdrinker in their mods too (create a standalone plugin distribution, etc).

    I was mostly thinking of some sort of Pilatus, though a Cessna or even a Piper type of cockpit would work.

  4. I was wondering if it would be possible for someone to develop a ship parts mod with stockalike textures.

    Primarily, I'm looking a hull with a well deck large enough and buoyant enough to hold the largest tank in the game, an appropriately sized bridge/island, an engine and rudder strong enough to move the craft along, and anything else needed for an amphibious assault ship.

    I'm also looking for a smaller hull that fits within the well deck mentioned above with a bed and ramp capable of supporting medium or large tanks, a suitable bridge, an engine and rudder to maneuver the assembly, along with anything else required for a landing craft.

    I wouldn't mind parts for other types of vessels, but I'd really like the above parts for craft along the lines of  LHAs and LCUs.

  5. I was wondering if a cleaner variant of the open cockpit be added. I know it doesn't fit the part description, but having a taped-together, paint-scratched cockpit in a craft with no other parts in such condition looks a little odd.

    Unrelated, but is there a way to get rid of this? I don't know why it shows, and why it doesn't appear to show with the Oerlikon,


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