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Posts posted by L27

  1. 13 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:


    11 minutes ago, guest10985 said:



    14 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

    I skimmed it but didn't see anything about the docking port retracting?

    In any case, I remember the FASA part you're talking about. It was actually a docking port that included the whole snoot as an animation. I wouldn't be able to make it animate with a docking port attached to it, and I don't think I can make it with switchable built in docking ports. Sadly we're going to have to live with tall rockets for our Big Gs.

    One final suggestion and I'll leave you alone-- Could it not be possible to add a version with no airlock, then make an extendable part separately? Slightly higher part count. Still in love with this Big G though. Best version in any ksp mod no doubt :D

  2. 20 hours ago, Pappystein said:

    I did a bunch of research on Big G for my article a couple years ago (titled Twins no More, it is on the github link below if you want to download it.)   Much of my source material was thanks to Dewayne Day the author of the article you linked.   As I recall, there was never a decision to go with a retractable or fixed Docking Port.  Both were discussed.    

    The old FASA mod by Friznit did do a retractable one and as I remember he had nothing but problems with it for the longest time.   It was made long before B9Part switch was a thing after all, and even predated almost all other inflatables in KSP.

    The Drawaings Cobalt was using (As I remember from one of his dev/modeling streams) was of the fixed docking port.)   So BOTH are correct as far as I am concerned.


    Ah, alright then. As has been brought up multiple times, research on Big G is not easy :D Thanks for the info :)

  3. 2 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

    Do you mean the docking snoot? I didn't know that, do you have a link to where you found that?

    I saw already thought it was odd that it was static, but I just kinda assumed it was meant to be. It made a bigger launch vehicle necessary. I saw in another mod (FASA, probably) it retracting, and it suddenly clicked that that was probably intended. This article certainly makes it sound like it should be, as if it goes on the bottom a more compact design is obvious, and since it was meant to be a rear docking port and not a storage area it's reasonable that it would be compacted on launch.

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