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Posts posted by MixelFan95

  1. 2 hours ago, Lisias said:

    There's a lot of missing RESOURCEs from KSPI, but if I understood it correctly, you just want the Interstellar Fuel Switch and the WarpPlugin, I'm right?

    I'm reproducing your setup here and seeing what's wrong - I don't think you did something wrong, I think we are dealing with some undocumented dependencies.

    Stay tuned, I will edit this post as soon as I have some answers.

    --- POST EDIT ---


    Well... It's something you didn't installed. :) But, granted, there're no instructions about how to install only what you want from that packages.

    From Kopernicus, you forgot to install ModularFlightIntegrator.

    You want to use Interstellar Fuel Switch, right? So please download the latest version from SpaceDock here (assuming you did did it already) then copy the following directories to your GameData:

    • CommunityResourcePack
    • CommunityTechTree
    • InterstellarFuelSwitch

    DO NOT copy ModuleManagerWatchDog, TweakScale, neither the others DLLs not inside a directory - they are outdated. I didn't copied PatchManager neither.

    To get the newest copy of Warp Plugin, download the latest KSPIE, also from SpaceDock, here (assuming you did did it already), then copy only the directory WarpPlugin (assuming, again, you didn't did it already), as well the DLL Interstellar_Redist.dll .

    By doing that, I got a KSP installment similar to yours (except by Parallax, my rig doesn't withhold it) without perceptible issues:

    Folders and files in GameData:
    CommunityResourcePack				<-- Here! Note this directory!
    CommunityTechTree					<-- Here! Note this directory!
    ModularFlightIntegrator				<-- Here! Note this directory!
    Stock folder: Squad
    Stock folder: SquadExpansion
    Stock file: .DS_Store
    Interstellar_Redist.dll			<-- Here! Note this file!
    [LOG 04:22:45.677] Done patching
    [LOG 04:22:45.677] Saving Cache		<-- HERE! MM only saves the cache when everything if fine with the patching!
    [LOG 04:22:59.214] Done!

    And, since we are here, how about giving WarpDrive a chance? It looks promising.


  2. 23 minutes ago, Lisias said:

    I need your full KSP.log in order to see who is borking the WarpPlugin.

    You will find instructions about how to locate it here on the spoiler, also copied & pasted below for convenience:

      Hide contents

    Please provide:

    • A concise, textual description of the problem
      • Mentioning the KSP version and the TweakScale version involved
    • A screenshot of the problem
    • When applicable, the .craft file with a vessel that have the problem
    • When asked, the KSP.log and output_txt log from Unity.
      • See this article for instructions.
      • The Player.log changed location:
        • On MacOS
          • For KSP < 1.8, they are on ~/Library/Logs/Unity
          • On KSP >=1.8, you will find the Player.log on ~/Library/Logs/Squad/KSP/
        • On Windows
          • On KSP >=1.8, you will find the Player.log on C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\KSP\
        • On Linux
          • On KSP >=1.8, you will find the Player.log on ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/KSP/
      • Publish the files on DropBox, Google Drive or similar, and post the link so we can inspect it.
        • DO NOT paste the log on Forum, this causes a lot of problems and it's useless, as Forum also truncate the file
          • It's ok to paste small excerpts to pinpoint something, but we still need the full KSP.log and Player.log in order to help you/
        • Do not use pastebin, gist or similars. They have a pretty small cap on the file size, and will truncate the log rendering yet more useless
      • Imgur is a good choice for publishing screenshots when needed.

    Be sure to quit KSP before copyong the KSP.log, otherwise we risk losing information due the internal file buffers (technical thingy, it's a way to make writing files faster by consolidating lots of small writes into a big one).

    Using the Issue Tracker is highly encouraged, as GitHub provides services that make everything above easier. You can open an issue there, and call me here pinpointing there to be sure to get my attention.

    Thank you.


    Okay, Here's the Log. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tyn8so4918zyyv330sbyw/KSP.log?rlkey=ioh0dgbffn4r6qbm435iinh2b&st=8i4lxtmf&dl=0

  3. 39 minutes ago, Lisias said:

    Nope. It's something you forgot to do! :)

    You have Kopernicus installed, and it needs a thingy called Harmony2 to work properly.

    Make sure you are using the latest version, available on this page (here on Forum)

    And then install Harmony2. You will find it here: https://github.com/KSPModdingLibs/HarmonyKSP/releases

    I noticed Parallax, and it needs a lot of things, and I didn't checked if you installed them. You will find the complete install instructions here (also here on Forum), I copied and pasted it on the spoiler for convenience:

      Hide contents


    Instructions for installing Parallax and its scatters:

    1. Download Parallax, Parallax_StockTextures and Parallax_ScatterTextures from the GitHub release page.
    2. Download and install Kopernicus. Minimum version release 139 or later.
    3. Open the Parallax zip and move the Parallax Folder to GameData.
    4. Open the Parallax_StockTextures zip and move the Parallax_StockTextures folder to GameData.
    5. Open the Parallax_ScatterTextures.zip and move the Parallax_StockTextures folder to GameData, merging it with the existing folder. Yes, they are named the same. This is intentional. Do not miss this step.
    6. Launch the game, and set your terrain quality to High. Set your terrain shader quality to High or Ultra. Ultra will enable tessellation.


    It worked and All of that but, I got these Stupid Errors. 

    "2 Errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSISTGmodular.cfg

    6 Errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSISTGmodular.cfg

    8 Errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSISTGmodular.cfg

    15 Errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSISTGmodular.cfg

    2 Errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSISTGmodular.cfg

    2 Errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSISTGmodular.cfg

    5 Errors related Gamedata/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IFSWRAPPER305LqdHydrogen.cfg

    5 Errors related Gamedata/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IFSWRAPPER310LqdMethane.cfg

    5 Errors related Gamedata/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IFSWRAPPER315Hydrazine.cfg

    5 Errors related Gamedata/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IFSWRAPPER505LqdOxygen.cfg

    5 Errors related Gamedata/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IFSWRAPPER510HTP.cfg"

    2 minutes ago, MixelFan95 said:

    It worked and All of that but, I got these Stupid Errors. 

    "2 Errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSISTGmodular.cfg

    6 Errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSISTGmodular.cfg

    8 Errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSISTGmodular.cfg

    15 Errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSISTGmodular.cfg

    2 Errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSISTGmodular.cfg

    2 Errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSISTGmodular.cfg

    5 Errors related Gamedata/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IFSWRAPPER305LqdHydrogen.cfg

    5 Errors related Gamedata/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IFSWRAPPER310LqdMethane.cfg

    5 Errors related Gamedata/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IFSWRAPPER315Hydrazine.cfg

    5 Errors related Gamedata/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IFSWRAPPER505LqdOxygen.cfg

    5 Errors related Gamedata/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IFSWRAPPER510HTP.cfg"

    and it got Stuck at loading for "WarpPlugin/Parts/Radiators/ActiveCoolingSystem/activeCoolingSystemv3".

  4. 55 minutes ago, Krakatoa said:

    I'm no longer really wondering if you need a fresh install. I strongly suggest uninstalling and reinstalling KSP and starting with CKAN from the beginning, you wouldn't have ended up with multiple MM versions, which is a part of your errors. Also, there's a post detailing how to get troubleshooting help. From this point, anyone helping will need a picture of your GameData folder and a link to where you've uploaded your ksp.log and player.log files, as it explains in This Post

    This is the Log. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tyn8so4918zyyv330sbyw/KSP.log?rlkey=ioh0dgbffn4r6qbm435iinh2b&st=qiyxtmvm&dl=0

  5. 56 minutes ago, Krakatoa said:

    Yes, this is probably all because you've been a bit slapdash with your modding efforts. I'm wondering if you should start from a fresh install, because all this is telling me that this present attempt isn't going to work. It isn't that you're cursed, you just aren't being careful enough. If you use CKAN from the beginning instead of manually installing anything, you won't be missing things like Module Manager and it will all go to the right place. Try leaving a log like the pinned troubleshooting instructions say and maybe folks can help you out. It currently just looks like you aren't installing correctly.

    Okay, I refreshed Ckan, but it now Says I selected the Preferred Version of Module Manager, but somehow other forks were installed, oh, and it still has the 60 errors problem.

  6. You gotta be kidding me "Missing Class: The Type initializer for KSPe.IO.Hierarchy '1' Threw an Exception" and it says TweakScale isn't installed Correctly.

    3 hours ago, Krakatoa said:

    Ah, so it's a bit of a mixed install of manual stuff and CKAN, plus some deletions and nested GameDatas. I think it may be a good idea to follow the instructions from that first error. Looks like you have this install in your steam folder, so I'd delete everything in your gamedata folder except the stock folders, "Verify integrity of game files" in the properties of the game on Steam to redownload anything you got rid of on accident, then use CKAN from the beginning to install all your mods, that should make sure they end up in the right place. You can double check by going into your GameData folder after and making sure you don't have another GameData folder inside of it.

    A lot has Happened to me when Modding KSP, Like bugs, or crashes, or Errors.

  7. Nevermind Again, I got 60 errors.

    "2 Errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSISTGmodular.cfg

    6 Errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSISTGmodular.cfg

    8 Errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSISTGmodular.cfg

    15 Errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSISTGmodular.cfg

    2 Errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSISTGmodular.cfg

    2 Errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSISTGmodular.cfg

    5 Errors related Gamedata/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IFSWRAPPER305LqdHydrogen.cfg

    5 Errors related Gamedata/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IFSWRAPPER310LqdMethane.cfg

    5 Errors related Gamedata/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IFSWRAPPER315Hydrazine.cfg

    5 Errors related Gamedata/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IFSWRAPPER505LqdOxygen.cfg

    5 Errors related Gamedata/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IFSWRAPPER510HTP.cfg"

  8. 14 minutes ago, Krakatoa said:

    Dragging a gamedata folder into the gamedata folder. You want the path to be GameData/DecouplerShroud.

    Edit: Oh, I see, you're installing through CKAN. Are you sure you have it pointing to the right instance and not too deep? It is possible there's a small error in the NetKAN that's installing it in a nested GameData.

    Well, I had some mods installed on curseforge, I deleted them, but this is what I got: "

    About to install:

     * Interstellar Fuel Switch Core 3.30.0 (cached)
     * KSP Recall v0.5.0.2 (cached)
     * TweakScale - Rescale Everything! v2.4.8.3 (cached)
     * Decoupler Shroud 0.8.1 (cached)
     * Interstellar Fuel Switch 3.30.0 (cached)
     * KSP Interstellar Extended 1.29.6 (cached)
    Installing InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core 3.30.0...
    Successfully installed InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core 3.30.0
    Installing KSP-Recall v0.5.0.2...
    Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\999_KSP-Recall\Plugins\KSP-Recall.dll'.
    Error during installation!
    If the above message indicates a download error, please try again. Otherwise, please open an issue for us to investigate.
    If you suspect a metadata problem: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/issues/new/choose
    If you suspect a bug in the client: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/issues/new/choose"

  9. "Installing DecouplerShroud 0.8.1...
    DLL for module DecouplerShroud found at GameData/GameData/DecouplerShroud/DecouplerShroud.dll, but it's not where CKAN would install it. Aborting to prevent multiple copies of the same mod being installed. To install this module, uninstall it manually and try again.
    Error during installation!
    If the above message indicates a download error, please try again. Otherwise, please open an issue for us to investigate.
    If you suspect a metadata problem: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/issues/new/choose
    If you suspect a bug in the client: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/issues/new/choose" What am I doing Wrong?

  10. On 9/26/2017 at 11:27 AM, Galileo said:

    Community Terrain Texture Pack

    This is a set of textures to be used with Kopernicus to help modders create high quality, immersive terrain for their planet pack. This mod is currently only hosted inside of OPM. The motivation for separating it out from OPM and hosting it on GitHub was to truly make it a community resource for planet makers.

    It's a resource for the modding community, so feel free to add textures to the pack via pull request. HERE

    To contribute, all textures must:

    • Be in dds format
    • Include both color and normal maps
    • Be no larger than 2048x2048

    Do not change or remove any textures currently included in CTTP.

    This mod and idea was created by and all credit goes to CaptRobau. It is licensed Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International


    Hey, Excuse me but... When is Version 1.12.5 Coming Out?

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