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Posts posted by Lonelykermit

  1. 49 minutes ago, modus said:

    So how does this work, do you land the parts, and then inflate them?

    Anyway, looking good!

    Thinking of making a sort of tutorial once I release this mod (soon). But basically you land your part (along with an airlock), right click inflate the module, then using Kerbal Konstructs place a regolith mound of your choice to cover it.

    v0.2 Release

    > Added VAB Organiser support
    > Fixed CoM issue
    > Added new airlock part


  2. 7 minutes ago, Don0303 said:

    oh i LOVE this! If you are looking to add IVAs id be happy to give some tips!

    Oh yeah i'm planning to add IVA's ASAP, I'd love to hear your suggestions since they're aren't many pictures of the interior of the original ESA concept.

  3. This is my first mod here, I hope you enjoy!

    Kolony Constructs aims to add a suite of new parts and statics for building bases and colonies.


    What this mod adds (so far)

    ESA "Moon village" inspired parts/statics








    All 4 domes come with KK statics as a regolith covering (the colour is also tweakable for all statics)


    Also has 3 regolith landing blast shields, landing pad from OSSNTR

    Full album


    Required mods:

    Module manager

    Kerbal Konstructs

    Stockalike station parts expansion redux (for the inflatable dome logic)


    Highly recommended mods:

    Planetside exploration technologies (for the airlocks and staircases shown in the screenshots)



    Roadmap & Future Plans:


    Compatibility with other mods (USI, MKS, Kerbalism)

    KSP2 inspired colony parts/statics



    Download (Beta):

    Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3704/Kolony Constructs

    Github: https://github.com/Lonelykermit/Kolony-Constructs


    LICENSE: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE,  Version 3, 29 June 2007


  4. 6 minutes ago, Kazako said:

    CKAN scares me and i prefer to manually install since i've already manually installed almost 150 mods. i tried using it once after finding a conflict between two system mods, but couldn't get it to work well enough for my needs and it gave me enough paranoia about my mods (even with a backup i made) that i've just given up on trying to use it 

    Curious on how long it took you to install 150 mods manually 

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