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Posts posted by J-B

  1. Principia config (tested 1000 years): moves Ruse into a retrograde orbit around Helvica past Sothys, with Neus Nadavo and Regulux moved outward to make room.

    			%referenceBody = Helvica
    			%inclination = 187
    			%semiMajorAxis = 12372000
    			%description = This fascinating chunk of rock has a significantly high density for its size, having over four times the surface gravity of Gilly, despite being smaller! Most astronomers agree that Ruse is a captured asteroid, given its different color and composition, and its highly eccentric orbit.
    			%semiMajorAxis = 25612500
    			%semiMajorAxis = 49850000
    			%argumentOfPeriapsis = 163
  2. The Gael system is unstable in Principia; Iota is ejected. The following patch fixes it (tested 1000 years):

    			%semiMajorAxis = 22000000
    			%inclination = 4
    			%eccentricity = 0.02


    In addition, as an alternative to deleting Lili, this patch will move it out into a stable orbit:

    			%semiMajorAxis = 8730000
    			%inclination = 3
    			%eccentricity = 0.05
  3. Principia patch (tested 1000 years):

    	// Krassonia system
    	@Body[Djark] {
    		@Orbit {
    			%semiMajorAxis = 23713395.1093898
    	@Body[Vadeonia] {
    		@Orbit {
    			%semiMajorAxis = 56223658
    	// Seina system
    	@Body[Blea] {
    		@Orbit {
    			%semiMajorAxis = 41760582
    			%inclination = 2.10187431871891
    			%longitudeOfAscendingNode = 130
    	@Body[Haleo] {
    		@Orbit {
    			%semiMajorAxis = 81237995
    			%inclination = 5.1839047670364

    You may need to add FOR[ZivezdaSystem] to some of the original planet configs to get the patch to apply in the correct order.

  4. Principia config (tested to 1000 years):

    • Delete wormholes
    • Reduce distance from Kerbol by 99%
    • Remove fake barycenter (should only affect UI)
    • Delete submoons (Anomal, Cassini, Russet)
    • Usir system: move Flint, Denali, and Oceanus outward, and Flint made to orbit in retrograde, to keep Maxmin and Denali stable.
    • Poseidon system: move Arkhalo and Hreveldor outward to prevent disruption of Vetinghier
    • Gyro system: apply axial tilt, move moons outward
    	// Remove wormholes
    	-Body[BaldurGate] {}
    	-Body[DeepwaterGate] {}
    	// Remove barycenter
    	-Body[PABarycenter] {}
    	@Body[PolarisA] {
    		@Orbit {
    			%referenceBody = Sun
    			@iconTexture = StrangeNewWorlds/Textures/PluginData/Icons/star.png
    			%inclination = 90
    			%eccentricity = 0.0561
    			%semiMajorAxis = 10321654315425
    			%longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
    			%argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
    			%meanAnomalyAtEpochD = 89
    			%epoch = 0
    			@color = 1,1,1,1
    			@mode = 0
    	@Body[PolarisAb] {
    		@Orbit {
    			%referenceBody = PolarisA
    			%semiMajorAxis = 2.7675604e+11
    	@Body[PolarisB] {
    		@Orbit {
    			%referenceBody = PolarisA
    	// Remove submoons
    	-Body[Anomal] {}
    	-Body[Cassini] {}
    	-Body[Russet] {}
    	// Usir moons
    	@Body[Flint] {
    		@Orbit {
    			%inclination = 184.32
    			%semiMajorAxis = 108000000
    	@Body[Denali] {
    		@Orbit {
    			%semiMajorAxis = 187500000
    	@Body[Oceanus] {
    		@Orbit {
    			%semiMajorAxis = 303000000
    			%eccentricity = 0.014
    	// Poseidon moons
    	@Body[Arkhalo] {
    		@Orbit {
    			%semiMajorAxis = 112800000
    	@Body[Hreveldor] {
    		@Orbit {
    			%semiMajorAxis = 168805000
    	// Gyro system
    			@description = Gyro is the third and final gas giant in the Aramis system, and the least massive. Its deep red hue is unique among gas giants, in stark contrast to its warmer, blue and white counterparts closer Aramis. It hosts a more modest set of moons, but they are worth a visit nonetheless!
    			%inclination = -90.09
    			%longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
    			%eccentricity = 0.002
    			%semiMajorAxis = 25000000
    			%inclination = -89.2
    			%longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
    			%semiMajorAxis = 78000000
    			%eccentricity = 0.001
    			%inclination = -68.4
    			%longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
    			%semiMajorAxis = 143000000
    @principia_gravity_model:NEEDS[StrangeNewWorlds] {
    	body {
    		name                	= Gyro
    		axis_right_ascension	= 90 deg
    		axis_declination    	= 0 deg
    	body {
    		name                	= Kawah
    		axis_right_ascension	= 90 deg
    		axis_declination    	= -0.09 deg
    	body {
    		name                	= Boreal
    		axis_right_ascension	= 90 deg
    		axis_declination    	= 0.8 deg
    	body {
    		name                	= Selena
    		axis_right_ascension	= 90 deg
    		axis_declination    	= 11.6 deg


  5. A config for Principia (tested 700 yrs):

    • Prima-Secunda: Principia doesn’t understand the fake barycenter planet, so Secunda is now a moon of Prima. The actual orbits of the bodies should be unaffected, only UI will differ.
    • Vassa: Tidally locked bodies can’t really have satellites, so C2-1 is made to orbit Cercani.
    • Pequar: C3-1 moved outward to prevent it from crashing into Pequar, Disole moved outward to accommodate it.
    • Nienna: Most bodies moved outward, C4-1 moved inward with eccentricity and inclination reduced.
    	// Prima-Secunda
    	-Body[PrimaSecunda] {}
    			%referenceBody = OWR/Cercani
    			%inclination = 4.12
    			%eccentricity = 0.05
    			%semiMajorAxis = 40527523960
    			%longitudeOfAscendingNode = 360
    			%argumentOfPeriapsis = 283
    			%meanAnomalyAtEpochD = 299
    			%epoch = 0
    			%referenceBody = OWR/Prima
    			%semiMajorAxis = 2520000
    	// Vassa
    			%referenceBody = OWR/Cercani
    			%semiMajorAxis = 12113854200
    	// Pequar
    			%semiMajorAxis = 9964800
    			%semiMajorAxis = 18684000
    	// Nienna
    			%semiMajorAxis = 10945200
    			%semiMajorAxis = 46428000
    			%semiMajorAxis = 90837890
    			%semiMajorAxis = 120940800
    			%semiMajorAxis = 170830100
    			%inclination = 158.5
    			%eccentricity = 0.32
    		@targetBody = Prima


  6. In my testing, Geet appeared to remain in a highly irregular orbit around Blas, with Principia throwing an “apocalypse” error indicating the accelerations are too extreme for it to properly model (likely implying a collision would occur). When I tested with 1.25x and 0.8x SMA, it was instead immediately ejected.

    I didn’t test Subon as thoroughly; it remains in stable orbit for longer than Geet does but otherwise seems to behave similarly.



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