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Everything posted by Kwisatz1

  1. so I can't launch my rocket in ksp rss ro rp-1 because of insufficient avionics, and i dont know how to solve this problem. So please help me. mass of the rocket: ca. 900000 tons Total avionics: 100000 tons help!!!!!
  2. B9Partswitch has encountered a serlous warning. The game wll continue to run but this should be fixed ASAP Initiallzatlon errors on ModuleB9Partswitch (modulaldm'lengthswitch') on part fit-fusion- magnetic-mirror-1 subtype "Size0" Could mot flnd matching module Could not find matching module Initialization errors on MaduleB9Partswitch ( moduteiD='lengthswitch') on part fft-fusion- magnetic-mlrror-1 subtype "Size1 Could not find matching module Could not find matching module Initialization errors on Maduleg9Partswitch (moduleId="lengthswitch') an part fft-fusion- magnetlc-mlrror-1 subtype Slze2" Could not find matching module Could not find matching module Initialization errors on ModuleB9Partswitch (modulaid -"engthswitch') on part fft-fusion- magnetlc-mlrror-1 subtype 'SIze3' Could not find matching module Could not find matching module Initialization errors on ModuleB9Partswitch (matuald- lengt hswitch an part ft-fusion- magnetlc-mirror-1 subtype "Size4 Could not find matching module Could not find matching module Please see KSP's log for additional details I don't know how to solve this problem. Please help me asap
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