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  1. For anyone having issues with missing Depth Masks when trying to get this mod to function with ReStock, I believe I have found a temporary fix. You'll need to go into two Asset folders inside the ReStock mod folder. It should look like this: (KSP -> GameData -> ReStock -> Assets). From there, you will need to go into the Aero -> DepthMasks folders and put all of the Mask files into a new folder (I used a folder in the same Aero directory named "Backup DepthMasks (Hell);" Just to be sure, I also added a (#) to each file.) This worked, for me, to remove the replaced depth masks and restore the stock ones. What is a depth mask? Well, I'd show you, but Steam is having a fit about me trying to share my screenshots. As far as I understand, it's just the see-thru mesh that makes it look like, in this example, an air intake has depth where, in reality, it's just a flat image. The issue I was having was where they were invisible, making quite the ugly visual mess for my vehicles.
  2. The instructions on the Restock Github are difficult to grasp at first. Just a note, removing Restock *shouldn't* break your crafts. It's mostly a visual overhaul. I'm actually having the same issue where I can't repaint the same part, but since I don't use that part often, I'm not going to bother with it. I know there was another user in the process of making a patch, so we will just have to patiently wait.
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