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Everything posted by LiteSpark

  1. Please note: I am in no way whatsoever related to MirageDev, the creator of AtmosphericFX, I just happen to have a lot of information regarding the mod. Hello fellow Kerbonauts! You may have heard of this mod already, but today I will explain to you every detail you need to know, ranging from general details about the mod to the "stolen" copies of it. Basic info: This is MirageDev's AtmosphericFX mod. It overhauls all of KSP's atmospheric heat effects, to make them look more realistic and visually appealing. It is currently in a closed beta state, hence why very few people have access to the mod, as well as information about it. Although MirageDev is the main creator of the mod, great people such as thunderchild and Knedlik have also assisted in the development of the mod, as well as (most of) the wonderful beta testers who have found bugs with the mod, or playtested to make sure it is working correctly. The mod currently has no release date, but development is going smoothly, so expect it to be somewhere in 2025-2026. "But I saw AtmosphericFX on [Insert website here]!" You may have seen AtmosphericFX on SpaceDock, or other sites. That copy of the mod is NOT published by MirageDev, but by one of the beta testers who published the mod without MirageDev's consent OR his knowledge beforehand. The mod has since been taken off of SpaceDock. The mod has a license, prohibiting beta testers from taking credit for the mod, or distributing the mod. However, the beta testers are either unwilling to read a 2 paragraph .txt file, or they just don't care. What do you do if you see a copy of the mod? I cannot stop you from installing the mod for yourself, but I recommend that you do not. However, DO NOT distribute the mod further or inform anyone about your ownership of the stolen copy of the mod. I highly recommend, however, that you contact MirageDev with a link to the website that has a copy of the mod, so that he can take the mod off of said site. Below are some pictures of the mod in action. (1st by Vanlaukaus, 2nd by MirageDev, 3rd by Alicek423, 4th by LiteSpark)
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