wait i still haven't fixed the light warping around kara
edit: here is cfg
name = kara
cacheFile = ohnoplanet/Cache/kara.bin
name = Jool
displayName = kara^N
description = initaily
radius = 28000000
geeASL = 1
rotates = True
rotationPeriod = 21600
tidallyLocked = False
initialRotation = 0
timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 0 60000 600000 1200000 2400000 4800000 // Determines at which altitude above sea level certain timewarp altitudes become available. 0 30000 30000 60000 100000 300000 600000 800000 means that 1x timewarp is available at 0 meters, 5x timewarp at 30000 meters all the way up to the max timewarp starting at 800000 meters. Keep 1x timewarp always at 0.
isHomeWorld = False //Determines if this is the body that houses KSC, so for stability's sake it's recommended to keep this at false for any bodies you add.
referenceBody = Tarnus
color = 0.5, 0.3, 0.9, 0.8
inclination = 0.2
eccentricity = 0
semiMajorAxis = 9011882000
type = Atmospheric
texture = ohnoplanet/Textures/Plugin_data/KaraClr.dds
normals = ohnoplanet/Textures/Plugin_data/KaraNrm.dds
color = 1,1,1,1
specColor = 0,0,0,0
shininess = 1
rimPower = 1
rimBlend = 1
0.0 = 0.5, 0.6, 0.9, 1
0.5 = 0.9, 0.6, 0.3, 1
0.6 = 0,0,0,0
innerRadius = 2000 //28000000
outerRadius = 2150
texture = ohnoplanet/Textures/Plugin_data/karaRing.dds
thickness = 0
useNewShader = True
color = 1, 1, 1, 1
shininess = 0
innerRadius = 2500 //28000000
outerRadius = 2600
texture = ohnoplanet/Textures/Plugin_data/karaRing.dds
thickness = 0
useNewShader = True
color = 1, 1, 1, 1
shininess = 0
enabled = True
oxygen = True
ambientColor = 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1
DEBUG_alwaysUpdateAll = False // Whether all parameters should get recalculated and reapplied every frame.
doScale = True // Whether the atmosphere mesh should be scaled automatically.
innerRadius = 5996250 // The lower bound of the atmosphere effect.
invWaveLength = 4.83110952,7.92111492,1.90687299,0.5
outerRadius = 6150000 // The upper bound of the atmosphere effect.
samples = 4
transformScale = 1.02499998,1.02499998,1.02499998 // The scale of the atmosphere mesh in all three directions. Automatically set if doScale is enabled.
waveLength = 0.988461435,0.823076785,0.930769444,0.899999976
outerRadiusMult = 1.025 // A multiplier that automatically sets outerRadius based on the planets radius.
innerRadiusMult = 0.975 // A multiplier that automatically sets innerRadius based on the planets radius.