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  1. About If you are running KSP in a resolution different from your desktop resolution, you may have experienced that the game will occasionally reset to the desktop resolution, completely ignoring your in-game settings. This happens when the game is loading or switching between scenes. Especially if you are Alt-Tabbing or just accidentally pressing a key, clicking the mouse, etc., basically anything that can cause the game to lose focus or freeze for a while. I couldn't find a working solution anywhere, but I found that many people have had similar issues for ages, so I want to share this mod. What it does Basically, this mod checks if the current game screen resolution doesn't match the in-game video settings and instantly sets it back. Download https://spacedock.info/mod/3697/Resolution%20Keeper (source included) Installation Copy the ResolutionKeeper folder into GameData. Compatibility Compatible with AnyRes. I don't know if there are any other mods that could possibly interfere. License MIT
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