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  1. Argon gas capture is working again yay... Thanks for fixing the issue u do amazing work with mods man. Yer Mod packs are awesome and bring a new level of complexity to ksp just making it more awesome.
  2. Yes thank you i have done that , sent a screenshot of the issue happening, although the ksp.log file was too big to upload normally to github so i had to compress it down in a zip file hope thats acceptable and dosent break any forum rules
  3. How do i obtain logs to send ? , sry i have never done bug tracking before.
  4. Hi i am new to forum, made a account so i could post a issue with Space Dust mod Something broke argon gas capture in the last 3 updates, 0.4.4 version argon gas extraction was still working. Now when you try to capture argon gas using any kind of atmospheric extractor including both that come with space dust mod, it dose not get any argon gas captured what so ever now , even tho when u go to the tracking station and check the space dust GUI it clearly shows argon gas present in atmosphere, same problem on duna as well. If u could look into this issue please that would be awesome thanks. Correction , sorry it turns out the Atmospheric particle scoops from Umbra Space Industries and the PK-ATMO 'hoover' Atmospheric ramscoop dose capture argon still but the Sift-O-Tron 125 and 250 do not capture argon gas any longer when they once did before in ver 0.4.4 any idea what happened ?
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