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  1. Okay just for posteritys sake turns out my solution was that on CKAN Kopernicus doesnt have the height map mod as a dependency so it had to be installed manually!
  2. Hey yall, Ive been getting the trouble loading a custom planet order warning and have been digging into the logs but have no clue how to fix it. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7a96s54sxpc5dsdldz906/Distant-Skies-Demon.pdf?rlkey=qjvmoueogim7x6h8v9dfk9407&st=zzhxov6v&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1md1u7zxe18ahjg5ii2xs/Kopernicus-Distant-Skies.pdf?rlkey=1fsh0x9mrll1k6x7hozbnoygt&st=iqc4fe9x&dl=0 I have experienced it with both the Distant Skies and Kerbal infinity addon and everything has been done through CKAN. Thank you so much for the help Nevermind found the problem, CKAN didnt have the needed height map as a dependency!
  3. I have been trying to use two different planet packs to use with interstellar expanded and I have gotten the same error with both of them saying that Kopernicus had an issue with the loading order. After digging into the logs on both I see that Kopernicus pulls a null value. I have attached the .cfg files below. This has all been done through CKAN. Has anybody been able to solve this problem yet? Many thanks to any who respond https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7a96s54sxpc5dsdldz906/Distant-Skies-Demon.pdf?rlkey=qjvmoueogim7x6h8v9dfk9407&st=lxrx8e7e&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1md1u7zxe18ahjg5ii2xs/Kopernicus-Distant-Skies.pdf?rlkey=1fsh0x9mrll1k6x7hozbnoygt&st=cvw8dlou&dl=0
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