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  1. Hey @tokamak_tinkerer, Just wanted to let you know that there was a bug (now fixed) with the mod. You can download the latest version ! The mod is also now available on CKAN.
  2. Yep ! I spent a long time trying to make it a bit less wobbly. Could not do much, ain't perfect, but as long as you remember to throttle down at the end of the flight and don't gimbal too much it's working fine. The part I'm the most happy about is the fact that you choose the amount of propellant you want to start with in the VAB and it will directly result in a different fuel length.
  3. This (minimalist) mod adds two different size of autophage rocket engines and consumable fuselage. With autophage propulsion, the rocket itself becomes the propellant. It gradually shrinks as it consumes its own structure. Since the structure is used as fuel, no tanking nor staging is needed. The mod has been (roughly) balanced with the tech trees and against other propulsion methods. Feedback and/or help is appreciated ! You can download it on spacedock or CKAN. (License: MIT, source accessible inside the .zip file) Note : this is inspired by recent projects working to make autophage engines a reality ! See Engineers test autophage rocket engine fueled by its own fuselage for exemple.
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