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  1. Yes i think it was that it didn't really matter because i just reverted an old save and relaunched the station and now i docked thanks for helping!
  2. Hello, I think it might just be something to do with the docking ports on the station, I don't really have time to inspect now but I cheated up another craft to rendezvous, and it just didn't dock. I'll check again tomorrow Thanks anways!
  3. I think the 3.1 metre distance was because I forgot to control from the docking port on the vessel. Anyway, I tried moving the docking ports around with my engineers, the port on the target was moved outwards, but for some reason that didn't fix it, I might just use the mod that @Tecorian suggested. Thanks anyways!
  4. I have been trying for so long to dock but it just wont let me! I have tried multiple different ways and tips but I can't seem to dock! Please help me, what am i doing wrong? Image link: (The engine trails are because of the screenshot, they aren't on) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pAlkLRmhVHlVd6WCqYT17YOGUh1wXktp/view?usp=sharing
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