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  • About me
    Classical pianist with an interest in spaceflight
  • Location
    A country with a very dutch history
  • Interests
    Classical music (i'm not old i swear)

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  1. I think it's best to try designing your own, its part of the fun!
  2. I think this is a limitation of the neptune camera mod, theyre not programmed to capture details added by any graphics mod (Even Spectra doesnt work with the cameras in my experience). But I could be wrong tho
  3. I suspect that the cause for this is the Shuttle orbiter construction mod that I'm using currently Weirdly, I did not get this bug for the last two days I have been using this mod, sooo idk really Here's some images:
  4. Welcome, fellow Tantares enjoyer
  5. I'm kinda late to answer but the solution was a fuel flow one I really don't now how to manually edit fuel flow and fuel priority but I think what happened was Me from 2 months ago clicked a wrong button and the fuel flow/priority got messed up. Thanks for all the suggestion's
  6. Bad news guys. I got assigned to learn the Chopin winter wind etude ( One of the hardest pieces to play on the piano) Click to hear my nightmare (Skip to 0:22 to hear the "fun" Part)
  7. Listening to some casiopea recently, and some Rachmaninoff
  8. Nvm i fixed it. To change the planet in the main menu, just make a .cfg file and paste this: = Io @Kopernicus:AFTER[KOPERNICUS] { %mainMenuBody = [your desired planet here] } Then add that cfg file to ur GameData
  9. I landed very softly at around 0.5 m/s, and i also picked a very flat and non - slopey surface to land on. I'd recommend you using construction parts as landing gear tho, cuz they have high durability and have flat sides ( if your landing on a hilly area just use landing gear) And also use autostrut to make your craft more rigid. Hope this helps
  10. I just downloaded the Kkal planet mod and noticed that my main menu has changed, my main menu now no longer has Kerbin in the background but has the new Kkal planet. I would like to know how to change it back to Kerbin.
  11. Completed the final boss of Ksp, Eve landing and return This mission took me 1.5 months and many tears to do, will be my last eve landing return mission for a while.
  12. Well, 12th time is the charm! Designed this eve lander and somehow it works and has enough Delta v to get back to Kerbin. Now it's time to send Jeb there
  13. Designed and tested 11 different eve landing and ascent crafts, all of them failed to launch and orbit from eve :(( there goes 2 days of my life. Well, 12th time's the charm right?
  14. After an unsuccessful eve ascent on my original lander, I've decided to add more fuel tanks to it. But when adding more fuel, the delta v in the readouts is decreasing! even though I'm clearly adding more fuel to my craft. Any answers are welcome
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