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Everything posted by deppdepp

  1. Thats right, the SAS isn\'t working... PS: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=17259.0 Ship Updater
  2. I made a program which converts Ships to 0.16 automatically, that could help you.
  3. I tried my best to fix some bugs, it should be better right now. New download in the first post.
  4. Thanks for your feedback, I\'ll upload a better version soon. Best regards, Florian
  5. Ah, the problem is your file. I made that program within 5 minutes, so bugs like that can happen. You can fix this if you remove all lines that stand before 'ship' (so that the file begins with 'ship....') With regards Florian
  6. Hi! I wanted to play my old 0.15 Ships on 0.16, so I decided to create a tool which converts the old Ships to 0.16 Ships. This tool is propably very buggy, but it works with the most of craft files. Screenshot: Download Attached Code (CAUTION, VERY VERY BAD VB CODE WHICH WAS MADE WITHIN 5 MINUTES ) Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_SelectShip.Click OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() txb_OldShipPath.Text = OpenFileDialog1.FileName txb_File.Text = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(txb_OldShipPath.Text) End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_SelectOutput.Click SaveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() txb_OutputPath.Text = SaveFileDialog1.FileName End Sub Dim type As String = 'VAB' Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_Convert.Click txb_OldShipPath.Enabled = False txb_OutputPath.Enabled = False Dim lines() As String = txb_File.Lines Dim verpos As Integer Dim typepos As Integer For i As Integer = 0 To lines.Length - 1 If lines(i).Contains('version = ') Then verpos = i End If If lines(i).Contains('type = ') Then typepos = i End If Next If txb_File.Text.Contains('type = ') Then txb_File.Text = txb_File.Text.Replace(txb_File.Lines(verpos), 'version = 0.16.0') txb_File.Text = txb_File.Text.Replace(txb_File.Lines(typepos), 'type = ' & type & vbNewLine & 'PART') Else txb_File.Text = txb_File.Text.Replace(txb_File.Lines(verpos), 'version = 0.16.0' & vbNewLine & 'type = ' & type & vbNewLine & 'PART') End If txb_File.Text = txb_File.Text.Replace('}' & vbNewLine & '{', '}' & vbNewLine & 'PART' & vbNewLine & '{') txb_File.Text = txb_File.Text & vbNewLine & '// Converted with deppdepp\'s Ship-Updater' My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(txb_OutputPath.Text, txb_File.Text, False) MsgBox('Ship was updated succesfully!') txb_File.Clear() txb_OldShipPath.Clear() txb_OutputPath.Clear() txb_OldShipPath.Enabled = True txb_OutputPath.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub TextBox3_TextChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles txb_OutputPath.TextChanged If txb_OutputPath.Text = '' Or txb_OldShipPath.Text = '' Then btn_Convert.Enabled = False Else btn_Convert.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub RadioButton1_CheckedChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles rdb_VAB.CheckedChanged If rdb_VAB.Checked = True Then type = 'VAB' Else type = 'SPH' End If End Sub License: Do whatever you want with it. Have Fun, you can leave your opinion as a reply - deppdepp
  7. It would be awesome if you would update it for 0.16! - Florian
  8. Hi! I have a problem with the landing system: When I was about 20 000 m away from mun and orbiting it, I hit the land button. But then my rocket exploded because of 'overheating', but thats impossible because there was no warning before. Can anyone help me? Thanks. PS: If you couldn\'t understand something, sorry -> german speaker
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