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Ok what charged particles jump? I looked for a while and found nothing that said anything about what was causing them to appear and disappear. I also got so fed up trying to understand black holes that I just tried to make sense of it myself to be honest because I think a lot of the stuff that is claimed about black holes is nonsense. Ah also it said particles appear when the wave hits a solid object then collapse into a field again which could be explained as a brief overlapping of the wave as it changes direction which then collapses as it's only just peaked above a probability of 1.
Ok that's fair I'm well aware that I'm out of my depth, but I've also been watching videos on black holes for example, and in a BBC documentary with a straight face, Brian Cox confidently stated that at the centre of a black hole was a point in space with 0 dimensions (so infinitely small), which he said wasn't space any more but "Time. The end of time." It is claimed that thermal radiation cannot escape because the escape velocity is the same as the speed of light. Unless I'm mistaken (and please correct me if I am), escape velocity is the velocity you need to overcome the deceleration due to gravity from a given centre of mass. Thermal radiation is defined as massless, which would surely mean it is not affected or decelerated by mass in any way. Therefore I would assume that thermal radiation would just carry on at it's massless speed regardless of anything to do with any amount of mass? Thanks
Ok I was trying to work out how solar systems are formed and couldn’t find a satisfactory answer. Ok so we start with a cloud of dust and gas. Most people say it starts rotating (how??) and collapses into a disc (how? there was no explanation of what caused it to flatten that made sense to me in 3d space). Ok the most common explanations start with a cloud of dust and gas. If it’s static then it will all collapse into a centre of mass and everything will fall into the centre and you only get a star. So I presume it has to be moving. I made the assumption that the movement would be random as I can’t think of any law of nature that would cause it to be ordered. So all these particles are falling slowing towards the centre of mass and colliding. as they collide their vector properties would combine, destroying disorder and leading to a trend towards the same vector. Since this happense with every collision (and gravitational interactions would also reduce disorder I believe every time) and I can’t think of anything that would increase the disorder, that means that eventually everything would share one vector. This would explain why all planets end up on the same orbital plane with very little varation. The trend towards one vector would be inevitable as soon as it begins, and progression towards the vector that everything ultimately shares would presumably become more and more powerful with every collision. This trend would be shared throughout the system by disordered particles, and I presume that must happen quite early on as there is nothing I can think of that would cause it to spread up and down orbital heights once the system becomes stable and everything has settled into circular orbits (circular orbits are I think essentially one dimensional as far as a momentary explanation of the movement of a point mass goes, you have prograde and retrograde, the circular result is not due to anything changing so it’s not necessary to include it I believe). That would explain why orbits are cicular and on the same plane. There’s an object in our solar system that’s on a completely different orbit to everything else which could be a trend towards a different vector that didn’t get annihilated because it was further out so it had less interaction with all the matter that collided and led towards the dominant vector overall. I kept thinking, and I couldn’t for the life of me explain why anything from a mostly static dust cloud could every gain enough transversal velocity (not sure if velocity is the right term there) to reach orbital speed. Even if it started with some, as it fell it would get reduced more and more as it falls towards the sun or the centre of mass overall that will eventullly be the sun. I believe it’s more probable given my understanding of orbital mechanics that the matter that the planets are made from is extrasolar, which means the sun must have been established or far enough in it’s development to capture the material. The most likely source of that matter as far as I understand would be an exploding star, which means it would all arrive in our solar system with very similar vectors (assuming it all came from one star), which would again make it more probable that they would end up in similar orbits with one plane. Then I thought about moons, and they I suppose could be manifestations of smaller trends towards order in which some differences to the dominant result survived the overall annihilation of differences in vectors long enough to form groups of matter around what became the planets. I haven’t seen any explanation anywhere that suggests the extrasolar nature of the matter that made the planets so if I’m wrong please let me know. Thanks, Geoff Beint
Is there a reason that isn't widely publicised why photons or other electromagnetic particles appear and disappear? Because this was the thing I was trying to answer that wasn't explained anywhere I looked. Maybe the probability can increase without increasing any of the other properties of the electromagnetic wave? Thanks
I have a theory (hypothesis?) that would explain how all the particles in the universe are created and destroyed (apart from collisions like in the LHC). It explains the double slit experiment and black holes. Can anyone help me test it? Ok so we know that electromagnetic energy exists as a wave of probability, and particles. A wave of probability, if you think about the word requires something to be probable. At some point (a “1”) something has to happen. I was looking and the only thing I couldn’t explain was particles popping into existence. So I believe that electromagnetic waves overlap and gain probability, until they cross a threshold (a “1”), and then part of the wave collapses into a particle. The particle inherits the vector properties of the peak of the wave that created it, hence why electromagnetic particles are all created at around what we call light speed. Ok, I thought, let’s keep going. The strong nuclear force, (I’m not sure if this has been proven so this is conjecture) may exist as a massless energy wave similar to electromagnetic energy. As the waves overlap and combine the probability gains strength, until it hits a 1. This is higher than the threshold for electromagnetic energy because what is created is larger and more complex. As it crosses the threshold a matter particle pops into existence. It would very quickly attract an electron due to the magnetic charge and you have a hydrogen atom. This would explain how you can create matter from energy, which I believe is a known phenomenon. Ok, let’s keep going. There’s only one more fundamental force of nature (I’m ignoring the weak nuclear force as a fundamental force because it isn’t required for what I’m describing I may be wrong to do that) which is gravity. Gravity is a lot weaker than the other two and what it creates is a lot less probable since it’s larger, more complicated, and requires the existence of everything before it. So the energy waves overlap and overlap until eventually the probabilty hits 1, and a gravity particle is created. I believe that’s what a black hole actually is, it would have the same mass as what it was created from, and since it’s black it would be difficult to see. I would guess that like other particles it does emit radiation, but given it’s size and going by what we know about the other two types of particle (matter particles oscillate more slowly than electromagnetic) I would predict the radiation oscillates incredibly slowly. Supermassive black holes have more energy than smaller ones, so again going by what we’ve already observed with other particles they should oscillate more quickly. The basic premise could be tested with a photon emitter. Set it up to produce waves, then introduce another electromagnetic field near it, and turn it up slowly. At some point the waves should overlap and it should start emitting photons. Turn it down and it should stop. Possibly you could even predict wave patterns if you can get them overlapping in sync I don’t know. If this is true it basically explains all the particles in the known universe and how they appear and disappear. I was going to ask physicists to test this but the university of Oxford hung up on me and frankly I’m worried about someone taking credit for this if they prove it so I’m hoping that posting here will be evidence that I came up with it first haha. If it’s nonsense I’d love to hear why, tell me what you think.