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  1. This mod is so fantastic! Once again thanks for the hard work. Bye bye protractor.
  2. GREAT tool! Not to be greedy but any way to have a button to hide (or miinmize it) and more importantly a tool that will show my Ejection angel to my current orbiting body? Once again, well done!
  3. Great tool but I need some help. I think I understand the steps I'm supposed to take to intercept the planets but how do I know when the two planets are at the right Phase angel and how do I know when my ship is at the right ejection angel? I am assuming the ejection velocity is just the "speedometer." In other words, is there somewhere I can look where I can get a readout on when Kerbin (the planet, not the sun) and Eve are at the -54.13 degrees for phase angel and when my ship is at the 154.58 degrees ejection angel? I'm just eye-balling it right now adn it's not going very well.
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