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Everything posted by Mechanos

  1. I ended up running a fuel line to my landing gear, then to my rocket engine. Seems to have worked. That is, \'till some sort of bug hit me. I hit M to view the map to see how big my orbit was getting, hit M to go back, and my engine quit. Dunno why, had fuel, didn\'t notice any damage. If I can reproduce it, I\'ll post it in the dev section. That was the first thing I tried, and it didn\'t work. I\'ll try it again just to be 100% sure, as that would be a lot easier than running it through my landing gear like I currently am doing lol. Thx for responses.
  2. And what can I do to get around this? I built a nice little test space plane. But until functionality is added to turn off rocket engines, just like air engines, I need to decouple my main engine when I re-enter the planet. But here\'s the problem. I assumed fuel transferred through the decoupler, like the tri-decoupler. But when I got high enough that my air engines cut out and tried to turn on my main engine, I got nothing! Rocket engine sputtered once then wouldn\'t turn on. My space plane is very small. So I need to find a minimalistic way to get fuel to my engine. I assume I should run some fuel lines to it, but.. so far I can\'t figure it out. I tried running fuel lines directly to the decoupler, didn\'t work. Tried running it directly to the rocket engine, but I\'m unsure that\'s allowed. Or the decoupler obstructed the line\'s attachment. Any ideas?
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