Fellow Kerbals, I present to you the RUM RUNNER III VTOL: Features: [li]Large Cargo Hold for Jeb\'s Rum and Other 'Supplies'.[/li] [li]Full VTOL Capability.[/li] [li]Low Level Flight to Evade Detection.[/li] [li]Threat Radar Radome, also detects other 'Anomalies'.[/li] [li]Acrobatic Capability for Evading Kerderale Missles.[/li] [li]Max Level Cruising Speed: 300m/s[/li] [li]Altitude Ceiling: ???????????[/li] [li]Rescue Chutes if you should run into 'unrecoverable instability issues'.[/li] Takeoff: Slow Hover: Acrobatics: En Route to an Undisclosed Location with Jeb\'s Rum: Video:
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