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  • About me
    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Kerbal Space Program - EP02 - Oak Launcher Tests
  2. Hey guys, I relaunched my space program and series on my channel. I haven't really played with .90 that much so the new mission objectives confused me in the first episode Kerbal Space Program - EP01 - Program Beginning - - - Updated - - - Seems my audio didn't save correctly so its a bit lower than usual
  3. Thank to everyone who's checked out the videos, I'll be bringing KSP to my channel on a more regular basis. Kerbal Space Program - Race to the Mun! - EP08 - Brhysh Inc.
  4. Hey guys, its been a while since I posted and it looks like the other players aren't continuing the race. I've decided to continue with it myself and possibly launch a new series on my LP channel. Any feed back would be awesome.
  5. Kerbal Space Program - Race to the Mun! - EP06 - Brhysh Inc.
  6. Kerbal Space Program - Race to the Mun! - EP05 - Brhysh Inc.
  7. We're back with another episode in the Race to the Mun series! Kerbal Space Program - Race to the Mun! - EP04 - Brhysh Inc.
  8. So after a couple years of playing KSP, last episode I was told I'm pronouncing "Mun" wrong. I have a couple more pre-recorded episodes so all will be corrected after But episode 3 is live!
  9. Kerbal Space Program - Race to the Mun! - EP02 - Brhysh Inc. Episode 2 is now live
  10. Hey guys, Myself and a couple other Youtubers are doing a Race to the Mun. I know it's not a huge feet seeing as there are people doing jool and other mission, but we haven't played KSP since the introduction of the career mode. We have a few rules, 15 min episodes, Career mode, No save states and we have to land on the Mun and fly back to Kerbin safely. Hope you guys enjoy;
  11. Building a Space Program: Episode 2 (Kerbal Space Program) After a horrible launch to the program, we hope to win the hearts of Kerbal nation with the Moose I.
  12. Hey KPS community, I'm a smaller YouTuber who has recently started a KPS series (Building a Space Program). It's a little out of my comfort zone since my channel has been more focused towards MC but I'd like to change that. I've always loved KPS and have wanted to start a series for a while now, so here is my start. I'm hoping to devote more time towards bring up the overall quality to that of my other main series **I'll update this thread with new episodes** Thanks for the support.
  13. Oops sorry I don't often post, wont happen again.
  14. Here's my 3 Man Mun lander that fell apart during landing. Just keep trying
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