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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Bug report: Sounds cuts out after 1 min in flight, haven't noticed this happening with ground missions, reinstalled ksp no error, reinstalled skillful, error re-occurred.
  2. Now i have a small story and a download for you, Kerbal launched two orbiters to well orbit targets, the first had a stable orbit around kerbin but collided with the second\'s debris and is now stranded, the second lost all navigation and is stuck in orbit around the sun. A lander was sent to retrieve the second but lost power and is on a intersecting course, your goal is to rescue them all. https://www.box.com/s/339745dc8ffa9c7e198c https://www.box.com/s/ca638458b2bc6eecac81 Download these and put in your saves/default folder(PS: BACK YOUR OWN STUFF UP FIRST)
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