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Everything posted by elite0x33

  1. That probably won't be for a good little bit, at least 2-3 months if we're just throwing out spitball estimates and being super optimistic. What you've listed are very few things of which go with an engine update and with Squads QAQC's process it would take a while to ensure that nothing game breaking has occurred in the updated in terms of both performance and the game play itself.
  2. Thanks! And yeah, I\'m a tech, not so much an engineer so I have no idea how to make it stop. Watching vids of ospreys taking off don\'t really help either. Good luck on your craft!
  3. After downloading some plugins and parts (a lot actually) I finally had the pieces I needed to make a VTOL-based aircraft which to me, is the coolest damn thing ever. To be honest, it\'s still wonky but I attempted to get it as close as possible to the real thing using the parts I had. It does fly, but it will not fly like a plane at full horizontal, it just loses altitude, and at full vertical, it doesn\'t really hover like a helicopter it pulls back. I\'ve tried adding more wings to give it some kind of lift, but that doesn\'t seem to matter, its only way of getting off of the ground is a happy medium between Vert/Horizontal.. so it\'s a VHTOL aircraft ;D.. Here\'s some pictures:
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