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  1. So I\'m trying my absolute hardest to make a space plane but within ten seconds of launching every single model will fall over. This is because there is nowhere to place wheels efficiently. I go for the standard three wheel configuration one wheel at the front aligned with the centre, and two near the back spread further apart. The problem is the fact that everything is a cylinder, the rear wheels are always at an angle meaning that my plane will just fall on its side. How do I amend this? How did you place your wheels on your space plane?
  2. Alright thanks I\'ll give that a go, I was putting it at the very top of stage 0 with some other things. I forgot you could create your own stages.
  3. Hello there, I\'m new here and I\'ve downloaded the KSP demo. I\'ve been getting better at it but I have one big problem that never goes away. No matter where I place my parachute in the stages it always deploys when I activate my LV-T30. I\'ll start off fine with three RT-10s running smoothly. They\'ll decouple as expected, but then as soon as I start the next stage (I placed the parachute icon way way at the top) my parachute will deploy at the same time dragging my rocket down. Whenever I try to move my parachute to the top of the list it just jumps down when I start the game above my F logo. How do I resolve this? The parachute is literally the only thing holding me back/
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