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  1. i told you about this you sus a preview to an upcoming video whee
  2. oh hey i got hammer working and the hammer publisher working and i made two maps
  3. oh so this is the vunderbar ksp forum..fancy, my peg legs have yet to get used to this. oh would you look at that arguments. i am an expert hammer mapper, and hammer mappers ALL OVER facepunch are excited for this editor. this could save us countless hours of re-sealing our maps, adding extra things, and does the lighting for us (we all know that\'s a pain-staking process!) also, the maps can be exported to hammer to add your extra stuff, like story elements. i\'m probably going to make a lot of my tests 'break' and be repaired c: we\'ve cleared that up now. lilrobot\'s heart, we\'re done here
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