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Bottle Rocketeer
Here's a nice and simple challenge: Take off from Kerbin, and land on a different planet/moon, without using the default outside view. With the exception of using the outside view to look around before lift off (to check if all the stages are set right, make sure the ship doesn't hit the launch tower...etc) use only IVA view and map view. This includes landing (the hardest part). I've only managed to do this once, and that was on Duna with parachutes, so if you want a real challenge, do not use parachutes. And finally, just for those who don't know, you can look at the gauges in IVA and one of them will tell you your height, but it only works up to 3000 metres than it looses its trace, so beware. Also, it will go from 3000 to 1000 very fast I find, so make sure to keep an eye on it. Have fun! -TheMonster EDIT: Since no one else has posted, I didn't see a point in double posting. This is the my first try on the Mun, it ended horribly but was tons of fun to actually fly. The view from inside the cockpit while crash landing is really cool by the way. Yes, this is the pre-made ship from the scenario, I figured if I was most likely going to crash, I may as well not waste a bunch of time building a ship, than getting to the Mun just to do it.
I can never remember how to make spoiler posts either, so I wrote it down in my signature. Anyhow, does this satellite stay together even if you time warp past x1? Every docking mod/strategy I've heard of never works past x1. Looks great by the way. Also, in my sig when it says "text" that means the link to the image.
["spoiler=name the spoiler tag] text [/spoiler"] Just get rid of " and '. So after a failed Minmus mission, one of my three Kerbals dies (I had to eject them from the command module after the entire landing stage kinda sorta bounced off a hill...), I had to launch a rescue mission. However, due to a mix up at KSC, Jedediah Kerman is sent to the Min, and not an actual astronaut (we all know that Jeb is a stunt man, not an actual trained space-man). So in hind sight, this accident was inevitable. As you can see on the far bottom right of the screen, the only thing to detach is a parachute... Well, when I tried to right the thing back up... just wait and see.Shot at 2012-09-08 Still fully intact, just kinda a little bit side ways. Shot at 2012-09-08 Than, after a failed attempt to right the ship, Jeb tore the thing apart in frustration (my excuse anyhow).[/ Shot at 2012-09-08 Proof that Jeb was indeed the pilot. Shot at 2012-09-08 And, Jeb talking to the guys he was supposed to rescue about what the weather is like back on Kerbin. Shot at 2012-09-08
I've been using this mod for a while and it's worked fine. I even managed to get a two stage escape pod working on the surface of Kerbin. However, recently, I've been having problems with my escape pod command module falling off (literately) the part it's attached too. Here's some pictures. As you can see, after I decouple the escape pod from the ascent stage, the escape pod command module flies right off. It doesn't seem to matter how many struts I put on, or what the part below the command module is (I tried RCS, ASAS, and regular fuel tank). Could you help me out? Edit: I forgot how to put spoiler tags in (again). Really sorry. Thank you. -TheMonster
I've been using this mod for a while and it's worked fine. I even managed to get a two stage escape pod working on the surface of Kerbin. However, recently, I've been having problems with my escape pod command module falling off (literately) the part it's attached too. Here's some pictures. As you can see, after I decouple the escape pod from the ascent stage, the escape pod command module flies right off. It doesn't seem to matter how many struts I put on, or what the part below the command module is (I tried RCS, ASAS, and regular fuel tank). Could you help me out? Thank you. -TheMonster
If you can get it to work, go ahead.
I thought with MechJeb you could turn certain features off? I've never used it, so I really have no idea. But unfortunately, it is still a bug, and would give people who use it an edge.
The asteroid moon is gonna be the first thing I investigate. A potato shaped moon! How could anyone dislike something like that when all other planets are roughly spherical! Damn I'm excited!
Forgot about that bug. I just edited the original post saying that using that bug is against the rules.
That's probably because I made it up.
Maybe I might add a penalty for using too many SRBs, but they have ups and downs, for instance, they have a very short burn time, and make you sacrifice a lot of control. If it starts to become a trend to use a whole bunch of SRBs and not a whole lot else, I'll put in a rule to prevent it. So long as your craft fits the above rules, than yes. But when I looked at the picture of your other craft, I could see some damage during landing. That voids the entry. I'd just recommend a couple landing legs, than that thing will work like a charm. Also, added a new Bonus category to the original post. Using all stock parts will give you a bonus of 15 points.
You may not use drop tanks. Only things that can decouple are SRBs. You can use parachutes, but if you do, you loose the opportunity for 15 extra bonus points.
Pronounced sa-erv. SEARV stands for Single stage Atmospheric Exit and Re-entry Vessel. Basically, the challenge is to build a rocket that can deliver a payload (of any size really) into orbit (periphrasis above 69,500m) around Kerbin. From there, it needs to land back on the ground (doesn't have to be at KSC) safely and in one piece. The rocket can only be one stage with the exception of boosters (they can decouple and you can place as many stages of them as you want). (This is pretty much what Winter Owl did on his youtube channel). You can use any mods, but no cfg edits. Edit: Also do not use the fuel consumption bug. Bonus points for: -Landing at KSC. +10 points -Landing with wheels/legs, using NO parachutes. +15 points -The larger the payload, the more points. (Every KMU is equal to one extra point) Edit: -All stock parts. +15 points And please include photos/video, and if you're feeling generous, you .craft file. (I've been having trouble with this one for a while and could use an example.) And of course, the most important rule: Have fun! -TheMonster
Well, this is the first major one I managed to get on camera. The plan was to just use those outer stages as de-orbitors, then land with(what I call) "the Weakling Engine". However, due to the extra amounts of fuel in the outer stages, Mission Control thought it would be a waste of good fuel, so they planned to land with it. However, that didn't really work cause the engine kinda ripped itself off in super low gravity slow motion. Edit: Sorry, can't figure out how spoiler tags work. Thought I had it working, now I gotta go look it up again. Fixed for you. You use [noparse] Stuff [/noparse]