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  1. Final message... testing, started, and worked KSP on this computer.... Needless to say it\'s too much for a weak little thing like this type of non gaming platform. I\'m abandoning this account so unless if I upgrade to a high grade PC or use a friend\'s it\'s likely to stay inactive. No amount of software can compensate for the lack of hardware in this... bloody thing.
  2. Downloaded and installed. Now I\'m going to ask how to open the Zip file using this 'unzipping program' but if I find out how to on the forums before hand, I\'ll put a slash through this sentence. ... which when put like that sounds like a man with too much free time on his hands and decided to hook up a motor to the fly of his pants. *Nerdy voice* 'Initiating unzipping program... now!...' *motor stops and catches, continues working* 'YOOOOOOOOWWWCH!' EDIT: Now I can\'t find the zip file... I really wish that I knew someone at home who was more tech savvy then I am, I feel like an idiot. >.<
  3. As the tittle says, hello fellow Kerbanauts! Hoping to get the preorder soon and also having a few issues finding out how to unzip the file. As soon as I take care of both issues, I\'ll be airworthy!... hopefully. 'Please read the manual' 'Nah, we\'ll learn along the way' 'You can\'t even open the program!? *screams*' Bill Kerman Jebediuh Kerman Bob Kerman
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