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  1. Thanks for the responses, guys! ;D Now, to do more science on those poor Kerbals. This should be the KSP Theme song
  2. Having sent up a few rockets (a good hundred or so) I\'m starting to get these nagging questions. I\'ll fire them off and see if anyone has answers. 1: At what thrust does the engines provide the highest thrust per consumed fuel? 2: How similar is the earth and moon to Kerbal and Mun? Initially I thought they\'d be rather similar but the Mun\'s orbiting speed is roughly half that of our moon. Are there other differences? What is the needed speed in M/S for a low orbit of Kerbal compared to earth? 3: Bugs: After returning from the launch pad to the hangar, sometimes struts has changed position. Sometimes a craft launches okay, but crashes, and on the next launch (no changes), falls apart on the landing pad before the engines are even engaged. 4: Variable stress tolerance - see 3 - is there randomness in how much stress parts can take? 5:Accelerated time seems to make a craft in atmosphere become less stable. (It will crash and burn in accelerated time when it won\'t at normal speed). 6: A friend of mine - we both donated & got the 0.14.4 update - made test craft to find out how many fuel tanks a 200 thrust engine could lift. He got it up with six tanks - mine did not. Even when I had a barebone version and he had some extras(sas, wings, etc). (Another time, the exact same design took off. Thrust was at full both times, no boosters.). Seems to be something wonky with the physics when you\'ve had crashes. 7: A question on mods: They seem to be either silly, offer overall better things (thus reducing the challenge) or specific designs you can\'t alter (which removes most of the fun of the game). Assuming I want mods that mostly extend the basic components of the game with more utility but not change the basic balance, is there any good ones? 8: Lastly, is there any good guides on the gimbal / navball / thingy? In advance, thanks! Regards, Me
  3. Hi guys! Me and a few friends have been trying the demo for a couple of days, having great fun trying to make various zany and not so zany rockets. Great fun. Finally decided to get the \'real\' version. (It\'s downloading). I\'m guessing the rest will join me in that soon enough. Anyway, it\'s genius. Lego spacecraft, but with more kablooie.
  4. Funny thing is, I made a surprisingly similar design, and it worked rather well - it had plenty power to get to the moon and back. I don\'t have the aim for it, though, but fortunately, the cloning farm keeps getting me new Kerbal pilots. The differences were mainly 3 more boosters, no SAS/RCS modules on top of the first stage, more fuel and RCS fuel on the last stage, and 6 more tanks on the second stage. I might want to nab your extra SAS / RCS modules, one in three launches the rocket gets homesick a bit early and goes into a dive, which is Bad. Just bought the beta proper instead of just the demo, hopefully it will stop randomly exploding on the launch pad after a crash. Attached is the last version I made of it, I don\'t recall if it was very workable at the moment though, but it clearly demonstrates how similar the designs were, which were uncanny.
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