Funny thing is, I made a surprisingly similar design, and it worked rather well - it had plenty power to get to the moon and back. I don\'t have the aim for it, though, but fortunately, the cloning farm keeps getting me new Kerbal pilots. The differences were mainly 3 more boosters, no SAS/RCS modules on top of the first stage, more fuel and RCS fuel on the last stage, and 6 more tanks on the second stage. I might want to nab your extra SAS / RCS modules, one in three launches the rocket gets homesick a bit early and goes into a dive, which is Bad. Just bought the beta proper instead of just the demo, hopefully it will stop randomly exploding on the launch pad after a crash. Attached is the last version I made of it, I don\'t recall if it was very workable at the moment though, but it clearly demonstrates how similar the designs were, which were uncanny.