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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Yeah, I've been trying. So far I've managed to kill 6 kerbals while trying to get to the moon and back... :\
  2. Thanks~ The biggest reason I made this is because of the first picture. It's really sad 'n' stuff
  3. Haha, thanks xP Also, on my other shot for the moon, I managed to get Jebediah on the moon without crashing. The only problem is that he doesn't have enough fuel to get back home http://imageshack.us/a/img94/5067/screenshot7gq.png
  4. The little kerbal of mine really wanted to land on the moon despite his major lack of fuel when he orbited around the moon. A simple EVA wasn't enough for him. He decided to take the risk and started to slow down and descend. When he started to get close to the surface, he knew that the fuel wasn't going to last long enough. He panicked and did his best to save fuel for as long as he could. It was going to be a hard landing. The landing gear was felt down to reduce the damage on touchdown, but it wasn't going to be enough. About 100 meters from the surface the fuel ran out and he was still falling, fast. He ejected right before touchdown to try to save him self by using his jet-pack to reduce the fall speed. He was to late, immediately after ejecting he and his lander smashed into the ground. Explosions and parts flew all around him. http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/2729/screenshot2lxn.png When he woke up he could see the remainders from his lander just a hundred meters away from him. He knew that if he ever wanted to get home back, he had get to the lander and see if he could find the radio in the command-pod to report his position. http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/3496/screenshot4wvs.png He managed to get to the remains of the lander but the command-pod was nowhere to be seen. He knew that there was no way for him to get back home. http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/4817/screenshot5dfv.png As his oxygen started to run out he sat by the broken lander and cried. His never ending sleep was about to start. Thanks for reading this little story of mine! If you've got any thoughts about it, leave a reply! This actually happen to me in game and I wanted to write a "story" about it, so I did. I found it cool that he actually survived the harsh landing Also, this was indeed my first moon landing! Excited for the other planets!
  5. Yeah, agree'd. I don't think they should ban any names if it's not a well known offensive word.
  6. I don't know what "Hardon" means so I don't find it offensive~ But if it's an inappropriate word it should obviously get dealt with.
  7. I once built a base on the Moon with the stock parts, by flying up there multiple times and landing several times and putting them close to each other. Though one of the landings failed and everything exploded D:
  8. Use the button in the top left corner of the screen while building your rocket. I\'m sure you\'ll figure out how to use it yourself
  9. How does that thing even lift of the ground? O.O It\'s huge! But huge\'s good, I approve! ^w^
  10. Looks like some sick steam-punk ship! Good work~ :3
  11. Can\'t try it \'till my new computer parts arrive, but if that thing can fly, it\'s sure cool! :3
  12. I agree with your point, but I dont think you should get so mad about it ^^ I love spaceplanes the way they are though :3
  13. I did this before there were spaceplanes
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