Eh, it\'s me, the only one who can make this happen on accident. STATS: Monstrosity itself. Ugly, ain\'t it? Also unstable at the first liquid fuel stage. (It goes boom at that stage.) It\'s still going on and is making it\'s 7th(?) pass while making this. Well, guess I\'ll wait until it lands to get a picture of the mostrosity it was strapped on and the final statistics. It\'s slowing down 30m/s~ per pass, so that might be a while. Suppose it will come down sooner or later. Much good did that late stage do me. SINCE IT BLEW UP. >:C Then again, this is kinda what I was aiming for, stable orbit. (Hay, 21 minutes (And then some) IS stable enough for never having any kind of orbit before.) Uh. I think I already used the landing parachute when I thinked it was coming down... Command pods come down nice and easy without those too. Don\'t they? Oh, goodies, it did not use the dang thing before it entered atmosphere proper. Not that it helped much. DED.