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    Rocketry Enthusiast

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  1. this should get you started. Google calls them themes not skins. http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/ThemeCreationGuide
  2. I prefer FreeArc, I haven't found an archive (Compressed file) yet that it will not open. The only annoying thing is is doesn't like .jar files, so can't be used for modding Minecraft, so I keep WinRar on my PC as backup.
  3. *Puts hands up* I got the Galactic Edition. And the Prima Game Guide. and the galactic edition includes 'The Art Of Spore' which shows some of the early iterations of the creature and vehicle creators, and they look good, better and more powerful than the one we got. On the front of the cd case, it says 'everything you need to biuld your very own universe.' It is anything but, you don't build your own universe, you simply play in one. There's a very limited number of 'planets' aka: the layout of continents, and your starting position is always the same on each layout, so there is a very limited number of scenarios. If the game was anything like some of the adverts and promotional pictures, it would have been great, I was really hyped when I got it, but then, a few days later I was like 'Is this it?'. I even got the Creepy & Cute Parts Pack and Spore: Galactic Adventures expansion in a desperate hope that is would get better. It didn't.
  4. Hmm, I wonder if that would be possible with the Mun?
  5. O.O, Which probe is the real probe? No time, gotta hail them all!!! HAIL PROBE!
  6. If this game had a 'noclip' command, this would be the point where I turn it on and run off to find them! ;D
  7. I know what we need, Inverted decouplers, who said the capsule had to be at the top of the rocket!
  8. Hmm, ahh. I remember the lovely tail of the great dwarfen fortress of Boatmurdered. such happy times. I tried to recreate Boatmurdered's lava defense mechanism in minecraft. I was successful. I should imagine its terrifying to see all that lava flowing towards you. ;D
  9. You can't do it. Nothing can get a secure connection to the rock so you can lift it. If it was enclosed in a box or had flat bits at the top and bottom it wouldn't be so hard.
  10. you need to make a few tweaks to the options file. copy paste from a forum thread over on the noctis forums: that the following settings: fulldouble=false fullresolution=0x0 aspect=false core=dynamic cycles=max if it still runs slowly: memsize = 32
  11. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION! Sorry, I just had to do it. Just be glad I left out the rest of the speech! ;P
  12. damn my inability to come up with the second half of the last sentence of my post above faster!
  13. I got it running in DosBox after some persuasion. Planet @ 410042; 443390; -1392180 I plan to name Kerbia! ;D
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