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Everything posted by BombermanX

  1. Could you make it so there is only a plugin and you only need to modify a .cfg file in the KSP/Plugin folder? The only thing that shuns me from this mod is the fact that I need to use parts that aren't vanilla. I believe it couldn't be difficult to assign the HydroJeb plugin to a hotkey such as Alt+J, similar to HyperEdit's Alt+H. Could just use whatever the player sets as a target, say the docking port on one side of the target craft. Select the port you want to use, the port you want to connect to, and then let HydroJeb take over. Of course the only parts that would make it possible are to add the AdvSASModule. Just edit some lines with that @PART cfg system and you should be set! I'm just assuming it would be that easy. I tried, but coding turns my brain into mush.
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