I love playing the game and can\'t wait to see what KSP devs have in store for all future updates. I enjoyed it enough to force my co-host on Geek Culture Happy Hour (podcast) to play it so we could give our thoughts on the game so far. We made a few converts out of our listeners and it seemed to be pretty well received. The developers have done a great job but I have to give a huge thumbs up to the community of KSP. Who knew there would be a science to using rockets when launching Kerbals into space but with the information here on the forums along with the friendliness of the community, makes the learning curve a little less steep. If you want to listen to what we had to say about KSP, you can head over to http://www.rawrcast.com/category/podcast/geekculturehh/ Its Episode 18-Full Metal Spaceship (We discussed Full Metal Jacket also, perfect combination )